Kris Me: Blog


Keltrain Universe - Delta

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Hi readers, I have moved Delta to a Universe as I have other stories relating to this universe to be posted soon, if you have been enjoying my writing. All of the stories link to the Keltrain people and some will also link directly to story Delta. I haven't totally finished with Lee and Kyle and their families, after all wizards live for centuries.

Delta: Part 8 - is up

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Sorry for the delay but the final Part of Delta is finally up. I've concluded the serial here. I have more stories involving the Keltrian people, Earthlings and Wizards on other worlds they end up on. You will get to catch up with Lee and Kyle and their ancestors again in related stories. So I haven't gone away, if you like my stories.

Delta: Part 8 - is late

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Hi readers, huge apologies,

Yes, Part 8 was to be up a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately several things happened.

I had to go out of town for work for several weeks. While I was pegging away at a related story, I realised that my time line was out by six months in Part 8. I had reverted to earth time not Utopian time, so I had to go fix.

Luckily, I had a week off with the Easter holidays. My poor suffering Ed who had just about finished editing for me, had to go do it all again. Hopefully it won't be much longer.

By the way the story is not really finished in part 8. It will continue but as new stories, from different perspectives.

The main characters for Delta will pop in and out and you will learn more about them as part of the new stories.

Sorry again, Kris Me.

Delta: Parts 6 & 7

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Hi, did a bit of editing on Parts 6 & 7. The final for this set Part 8 will be uploaded in the next week or so.

Delta: Parts up dated

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Hi, I've done a little editing on the first five parts of Delta.



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