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Hi readers, started new series of books. Done things a bit different with this one. I've put all the startup info in a document, a link in the Preview of each book will take you to it and it will be updated as I add a book. The document is designed to give you background information on the races, flora and fauna, wizards, maps and character lists for the stories in this set of books. Those who have read or are planning to read Delta or Amity may also find the general info on races and wizards handy. you can copy and the link into the browser if you wish. http://storiesonline.net/f/Tara-Data
Happy reading. Kris Me
For those who like my scribbles, I do have a new series coming now that Amity is effectively finished. At some future date, I may add more to the Delta and Amity sets of books but not at present. The new books are designed to be stand-alone even though they are based on the same planet, Tara.
Hi folks, well the Amity series is finished for now. I'm working on some new ideas so let's see what happens with them. I hope you enjoyed the series as I did have fun working on it.
Hi readers,
Finally got some more chapters for this book up. About 10 more to come to finish it. Soon I hope.
Hi readers,
Well Herders is finished, so it's back to Amity Book 4. If you've already started reading book 4 and are patiently waiting for the rest you may wish to read this one first. While it is stand alone I've been naughty and included Bron and Sable in the second half of book 4. I just had to stop writing it, because Bron wanted his story told.
Happy reading, Kris.
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