Chapter 10 has been updated. Not sure what happened when I created my chapter files, but I somehow had managed to duplicate Chapter 9 and 10. My bad! It's fixed now.
Aliens and Cowboys Update 2
Posted at 6/4/2024, 3:12:43 PM
Not sure what happened, but I’ve had to reupload the 20 chapters for The Cowboy and the Aliens.
If you are reading the story, check the modified date at the top. If it doesn’t say 2024, let me know.
Aliens and Cowboys update
Posted at 6/4/2024, 1:13:17 AMUpdated: 6/6/2024, 3:08:37 PM
I’m back after a bit of a hiatus. I’ve taken several creative writing classes, got heavily involved with a writers’ guild and did a LOT of writing. Not only in the Aliens and Cowboys series, but several other stories as well, some of which may make their way here eventually.
You’d have to check out my website for more info.
I’ve reuploaded all of Books 1 and 2, which are complete and have started uploading the changed Book 3 chapters… which is pretty much everything, so forget everything you knew about Book 3.