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Kellyfred: Blog


Not quite what I anticipated

Posted at

Rather than write a sequel I found myself drawn into writing a prequel to my first story. I'll be the first to admit it doesn't have the erotic charge, but given the plot I hope that is justified. It's almost done now, though I'm a bit behind getting chapters uploaded. I'd love to hear some feedback, whether that is about plot, style, eroticism or simply did or didn't like it and why.

I'm still planning to write my sequel, but I'd like to improve my craft a bit, especially now I've ventured into dialog occasionally.

Writing my first story

Posted at

I just recently finished writing my first story. Arguably it is one long sex scene, running to around ten thousand words. I'd like to think that the sex is suitably erotic, but I also hope that some of y'all can see some deeper questions arising. No-one in the story has a name as yet, my goal has been to paint a scene and pull the reader into it without expositing extensively about the context. I may write a sequel, considering the aftermath of the night's events, of who knows what and when and how they find out. I'd love to know how folks see it panning out.

The most interesting aspect for me in writing the two characters has been considering their psychology and emotions. It's not clear, even to me, whether the protagonist is a sadist, a sociopath, engaging in some twisted form of education or forming a simulacrum of a relationship she would like to be consensual. Likewise I don't know whether her victim will respond with trauma, repression, twisted sexuality or acceptance. One thing I have sought to explore is the nature of sexual pleasure, and its complex relationship to love, desire, consent and purely mechanical reactions to stimuli.

I'd love to hear from anyone with thoughts on any of this, and have very much appreciated the messages and comments I've already received.



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