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Karen T: Blog


The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

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Having been diagnosed with CKD a few months ago which takes quite some time to come to terms with. I am now on medication to slow the deterioration and the process of becoming progressively worse.

Chloe treated me to a long well deserved holiday to one of the Greek islands in September that the three of us have been to before. This holiday unlike before was the just two of us. I knew by the clothes that she was packing and by the clothes that I had to pack was going to be full of sexual encounters and was to keep my mind from thinking about my medical condition. I hope that I get time to write about this journey.

So when we got back from holiday fully refreshed and well fucked and with so many intriguing ordeals that we both encountered. I was rather surprised at how many guys loved being with Mother and Daughter when on holiday. This gave me the encouragement to continue writing.

I last posted ch44 middle in August I am now up to ch 52 and still writing. The next two chapters I need to send to the guy who proofreads my work and hope to post the next two beginning of December. I want to thank you to those have been following me and those others who have taken the time to read this story much appreciated. Each chapter is over 6k words so it takes patience to read and digest. Thank you.

Also a special mention to those have dropped me a line without you this would not be possible to achieve and the kind words of support with my health.


The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

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Hi guys, this is an update on my health issue. Back in the summer of 2022 I caught an kidney infection which was treated with antibiotics the infection was treated and further blood tests were carried out.

Unknown to me at the time the infection was more serious. Having the medical profession being on industrial action for many months many appointments were cancelled or re-arranged recently I have had two further blood tests carried out and now I am stage 4 kidney disease. CKD (Chronic kidney disease)

Stage 4 then onto 5 will mean that my kidneys will no longer function. I have been put on blood pressure tablets to lower further damage to the kidneys. Unlike Cancer where medication can assist with recovery with chemotherapy there is no cure for kidney improvement.

At 45 I am not quite at the moment when I will have to have dialysis before the kidneys fail to operate. I am still writing but as not often. Chloe is supporting me of course. After speaking to my manager at work who has allowed me time off if I want but there is nothing one can do.

After the diagnosis of the symptom I have gone back to taking a mouthful of sperm from Dave and recently from Terry on a daily basis. I do not know how long I have and if I disappear you know that I have passed.

Ch 43 & 44 is ready for posting at the weekend and 45 & 46 are completed but not proofread yet 47 is started but after my diagnosis it is hard to concentrate.


The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

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At the weekend I posted ch’s 41 & 42 and for those who are following this story my submissive journey continues with ch’s 43, 44 and 45 will be centred on two teenage girls and what happens after their chance meeting. Ch 45 will also contain an episode with a Dominatrix who owns an Adult shop in downstairs in the dungeon below the adult shop and maybe a further encounter with the said Dominatrix along with my daughter.

Both ch’s 43 & 44 are completed and are ready to be sent to the printing department for proofreading and any amendments before posting on SOL. Ch 45 I am still working on.

Any comments or drop me an email feel free to do so. Recently I have received a few suggestions and requests from readers and if they fall into the area of activity of my remit I will endeavour to accommodate those.

Comments are on for those who wish to add a comment and I reply to emails that I receive

Thank you for reading and of your patience


The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

Posted at

Chapters 39 and 40 was published at the wekend ch's 41 and 42 are now at the printing department for proofreading. Chapter 43 is completed and 44 is well underway. Please enjoy and would love to hear your feedback. For the half a dozen who often contact me to divulge more secrets thank you for encouraging me to continue. The next installment will be around in 4 weeks time and those who has missed anything now is the time to catch up. Most chapters are around 6000 words.

Thanking you in advance


The Downfall, Submission & Enslavement of Karen Taylor

Posted at

I would like to wish all the readers a Happy New Year and thanks for reading and thank you all to those who have contacted me.

All feedback has been appreciated good or bad and some of you have become close to my heart with your kind words encouraging me, and of course, without my daughter allowing me to participate in various antics and turning me into something that would have never happened with my husband. How life changes easily in the blink of an eye.

Happy reading




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