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K. P. Sweeney: Blog


Sunrunner - Chapter Sixteen, Joyride

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Hi all,

Chapter Sixteen of Sunrunner is out. To those with the story bookmarked, thank you for your patience. To the new readers, welcome, I hope you enjoy!

The winter has been difficult on an emotional level, but things are looking up and I've managed to grind out another chapter. In addition, I'm about 1000 words into Chapter Seventeen and another 1000 words into an interlude involving Buddy and the ship's AI.

We're roughly half way through the story at this point. May inspiration find its way to my pen, er, keyboard.

Sunrunner - Chapter Fifteen, Happy Conversations With Friends

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It's been a few months since the last chapter. Thank you, dear reader, for your patience. There has been a lot going on that has prevented me from writing as much as I'd like, but things are starting to look up again.

After this chapter we will arrive on Gemheart and begin the hunt for Vaelor. I hope you've enjoyed the reprieve from the action, because we'll be going back in soon enough.

Sunrunner - Chapter Fourteen, Sweet Dreams

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Hi all,

Chapter 14 of Sunrunner is up and ready for your consumption. I got through two thirds of this chapter in a matter of days, but its completion was stalled by life (once again).

Anywoo, this chapter sees the crew in the immediate aftermath of the events aboard Levisia station. The stakes have been raised by Remington and tensions are rising between certain crew members. Moreover, there seem to be more questions than answers at this point. Here's hoping they can catch a good night's rest on the trip to Gemheart.

Sunrunner - Chapter Thirteen Update (Missing text)

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Hi all,

Chapter Thirteen was posted with some missing text towards the very end of the story. The text has been added and should be live soon. It's a fairly important story point.

Sunrunner - Chapter Thirteen, Farewell Levisia

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Hi all,

Chapter Thirteen is out and ready for reading. This chapter ends the crew's time aboard Levisia station and brings us to the next sequence in the story. I had a great time writing this section, but I'm eager to move on and introduce more of the galaxy.

The DnD campaign that I based this story off of is almost complete. It would have been completed months ago, but scheduling is the true monster of all tabletop games. The campaign is well ahead of the Sunrunner story, which means I have the entire thing outlined. The challenge, as ever, is finding the time to write.



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