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Libereco: Sisters...and Others Chapter 39 Dropping Soon

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The staff of Volts Electronics, together with Adélie's sister Rosalie, make Amira Aziz the star of the show...Amina Aziz's relationship with Bella deepens further as their symbiosis becomes complete...An exhausted Kayla O'Riordan finally arrives at the Optimis Utriusque Mundi sorority in Bergen and is re-united with her two daughters as well as her childhood babysitter.

90% done with this, likely dropping in the next 48 hours. Chapter 40 is next.

City Mouse, Country Mice Chapter 7: Discovery and Desire

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Jasmine, Tanya, and Tonya watch videos together...Simone Montembault stops by the market on her way home from work just as it's closing to get some produce and check in with an old friend...A void is filled for Daisy Ridley

Dropping Soon

I've got another 1,000 to 1,200 words to go here. I'll be going back to writing a bit more for Libereco after this chapter. Will loop back to this again though.

A reminder, if you read my stuff and like it, please let your vote reflect that OK? It's an algorhythm thing.


City Mouse, Country Mice Chapter 6 Dropping Soon

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Jasmine's Conditioning Continues

After her examination, Tanya and Tonya put Jasmine down for her afternoon nap...The Brodeleau twins make a stop on the way home...The watch party in the kitchen grows larger, then larger still...Jasmine wakes up and Darlene sends her daughters upstairs for a visit.

I'm about 80% done with this. When i post it there will be continuity edits in chapters 4 and 5 as well.

I'll likely do one more chapter of this next and then go back to Libereco.

Libereco: Sisters...and Others Chapter 38 Dropping Soon

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Orla O'Connell is trained by her cousin Taegan in her duties as a Silk, Satin, and Lace apprentice...Aneira Noonan gets a dinner invitation...Amina Aziz's relationship with the plant Aphroambelos deepens...and Florianna Lombardi reaches a new stage in her infantilization.

I'm about 80% done here. When I post there will also be continuity and grammatical edits in Chapters 5 and 35-37. Also, I did a bit of quality control on the cast document and added a few locations that had been lacking definition in the listing at the top. They are marked in red.

If you like what you are reading, please vote positively at the bottom of each chapter.



Libereco: Sisters...and Others Chapter 37 Dropping Soon

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Amira Aziz succumbs to her desires during her first day at Volt Electronics...Orla O'Donnell begins her training in customer service at Silk, Satin, and Lace as her mother and her possible future boss watch...Florianna Lombardi arrives at her dorm room and finds it is not how she left it, while her mother speaks with Dr. Sorenson and gets news on the employment front...After a very large lunch Kajsa Ekblad arrives at the clinic to feed her sissy father more.

I'm about 70% done this chapter. hopefully it will drop this week some time. When it does there will be continuity edits within the current story arc.



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