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Jamie and Lisa: Blog


Jamie and Lisa being annoying together August 23, 2019

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Lake Houston Texas - August 23, 2019

44 years ago this month we loaded Punch's Cutlass and George's Electra and drove 4000 miles frpm San Angelo Texas to Nenana, just past Fairbanks Alaska. While looking at pictures from the trip tucked in the album behind one photograph we found our overly optimistic "driving and fucking schedule" the first four days of which are translated here. We thought we could drive 12 hours a day and make 600 miles a day, we really averaged 500 and the trip took 8 days. But we screwed around a whole lot in those big backseats. Ah, trips down memory lane.

[Driver]-[backseat fuckbuddies] ... Punch George Eva
Punch's Cutlass 2 in backseat ... Kristin lisA Jamie
George's Electra 3 in backseat ... lilliaN
Up 6am - almanac daylight 6:30 - 8:30
Road... Brk... Road... Lnch... Rd... Dnnr... Road
6:30... 9:30... 10:15... 1:15... 2:00... 5:00... 5:45...
9:90... 10:15... 1:15... 2:00... 5:00... 5:45... 8:45...
day one
N-PE ... P-EA ... E-GA ... P-AJ ...
A-GKJ... G-KJN... J-PKN... G-EKN...
day two
A-PJ ... P-KJ ... J-PA ... P-EJ ...
K-GEN... G-EAN... N-GEK... G-KAN...
day three
K-PN ... P-KA ... N-GK ... P-AN ...
E-GAJ... G-EJN... A-PEJ... G-EKJ...
day four
E-GN ... P-EN ... A-PK ... P-JN ...
J-PKA ... G-KAJ... K-GJN... G-EKA...

notice no repeats - gotta have a plan - failure to plan is planning to fail - and all that

Jamie and Lisa being annoying together August 22, 2019

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Lake Houston Texas - August 22, 2019

Caribbean Jerk Chicken (with a side of girl-girl oral) was posted early this morning it started out as a blog post, but it mutated to 1271 words. Our ranch style house (no stairs for when we get older) is shaped like an "U." The underline faces the street and is (l-r) a den-dining room-living room, while the "U" faces the porch that faces the lake. Counter-clockwise it's a master suite-laundry room-kitchen-breakfast room-bedroom-master suite. Our sturdy kitchen island, featured prominently in many posts here, sits between the kitchen and the breakfast room. Those rooms have a big herb filled window and a french door out to the porch. We have the chromebook plugged in at the sunny end of the island so that we can sit naked on the padded bar stool, and feel the sun on our backs as we type or have our nipple rings toyed with.

Sitting here typing on the computer the microwave is at our 2 o'clock (digital folks should ask an analog person what that means). One day last week Kristin was making the recipe featured in the story. After putting the dutch oven in the oven (preheated to 350*F), Lillian (preheated to 99*F) hopped up on the island. Jamie was distracting Lisa, and causing typos by playing with her nipple rings, at the other end of the island. When Kristin climbed up on top of Lillian, and they did "the Speaker" as fictional Naomi and Skyler did in the story, Jamie and Lisa followed suite. There was so much "girl-power" in that room that the story just mutated.

We had watched 'The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle,' (Robert DeNiro - 2000) with a couple of our grandchildren semi-recently. Just as "Fearless Leader" had been pulled from the world of animation into our world by Minnie Mogul, all of that "girl-power" in our kitchen popped Carl Reiner (P. G. Biggershot) out of the microwave and we suddenly had ourselves a contract for a 13 episode season of 'Food and Sex TV.' An upcoming recipe is Chicken in Mushroom sauce, so just remember dear readers, use cremini or oyster, and not psilocybin mushrooms.

Jamie and Lisa being annoying together August 18, 2019

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Lake Houston Texas - August 18, 2019

It has been an interesting two days. Yesterday Eva took a few minutes, and together we created a couple paragraphs of a sermon that she might conceivably have given, but didn't, for a story we are working on. It probably wouldn't be the nicest situation for her if one of her parishioners were to read verbatim last week's Sunday sermon in one of our creations here, as enlightened as that might prove them to be.

It's been in the high nineties, that's like 200*C for our friends enjoying winter in Oz :cool: , and dry this weekend. So we enjoyed the lake's relatively cool waters both yesterday evening and this afternoon. It's funny, we get dressed to go swimming, and undressed after we shower. We have been working on a story about our move to Alaska almost exactly forty-four years ago, and our fact gathering turned into another enjoyable trip down memory lane. We have come to the conclusion that it is more fun to discuss the what we did, and when we did it with our lovers - to relive our past glories - than it is to actually write the stories.

It was an epic journey of over 4000 miles that took us eight days to complete. We filled the humongous trunks of George's Electra and Punch's Cutlass and made a schedule. We tried to cover 600 miles per day by rising at dawn, and driving three hours before stopping for a meal and gas. The plan was to repeat this process four times a day so that we could be on the road 12 of the 14 daylight hours available. Well, no plan survives first contact with reality. We took longer stops and made a lot of short side trips, and ended up with over two hundred extra miles on each odometer from AAA's estimate.

But nobody here wants to hear about the National Windmill Museum in Lubbock. (Which is good because we didn't go there, but we did drive around the Tech campus. So when we say that we went to Texas Tech, that is a true statement.) When we say we made a schedule, oh boy we did - it was a drive and fuck schedule. Big cars, big backseats, seven drivers, we took turns, and we all switched positions with every stop. One driver per car, usually two under a blanket in the backseat of the Cutlass, and three in the backseat of the Electra. Following our written out schedule we went four days without an exact duplication of the sexual pairings in those back seats. We managed to repeat each pairing twice, although we had some short shifts on that last day in order to accomplish the feat.

Last night for dinner we had four crown racks of goat that we dry rubbed in the flat with salt, black pepper, white pepper, and thyme in the kitchen. Then we tied them in string with some fresh rosemary sprigs from our garden, and barbecued outside on our charcoal (not gas) grill's rotisserie spit. Its a very funky grill some artisan made, an oval not a circle, and its not airtight which makes it a perfect smoker. A few additional sprigs of fresh rosemary were placed around the grill's rack before we slow cooked the meat for several hours. We knew it was done when all of the meat was cooked to 145°F as measured by a meat thermometer in the thickest part.

Cabrito and Chivito are popular dishes back home in southwestern Texas. Of middle eastern origin, they were brought to Old Spain by members of the Diaspora after Rome reconquered Judea in 70 AD. A multitude of recipes were brought to Monterrey by Jewish refugees from the Spanish Inquisition, the founders of that city. During the twenty-five year long Mexican war of independence and subsequent revolution both Texas and Nuevo Leon were part of the "northern kingdom." Far less densely populated they had a different, more European, culture than the more populous southern and western parts of Old Meijco. We must have a dozen different Meijcan barbecue goat recipes.

About an hour before the goat was likely to be done, we melted a stick of butter in one of those 9" x 9" recyclable aluminum pans. We mixed in the juice of a fresh squeezed Rio Grande Valley lemon, two cloves of crushed garlic from our garden and a pinch of salt. Then we washed two pounds of red potatoes, quartered them and sealed them in. We tossed the potatoes before putting them on the rack of the grill with the goat, and a few times over the next fifty minutes or so.

Our crown rack roasts were paired with a Saint Arnold Santo, a black Kolsch made here in Houston. We sliced the roasts between the ribs, and ate the chops with fresh sliced tomatoes from the garden, and those garlic potatoes. The combination of the dry rub and the rosemary really imparted a good flavor to the meat. We left the smaller pieces of chopped goat meat from the roasts on the serving plate and enjoyed tacos today after church. We served it with guacamole made from San Antonio grown avocados and our own tomatoes and chilies. We had green onions, radishes, carrots and peppers from the garden and we made our own pico de gallo for the tacos which we served on soft corn tortillas from Tomas' on Main.

An "inside" goat barbecue in adobo sauce recipe,

Tear a dozen stemmed and seeded dried red ancho chilies into large pieces, and cook them over medium heat in a dry skillet. Cook until they are lightly browned and aromatic. Put them in a large bowl, and cover them with boiling water. Set the bowl aside for twenty minutes. While the chilies are soaking melt four tablespoons of bacon grease over medium heat in a large Dutch oven. Add two small chopped yellow onions and eight medium chopped garlic cloves. Cook for about three minutes, stirring the mix often, until it wilts. Move the onion and garlic to the sides of the pot, and add three pounds of boneless goat meat, cut into 1-inch cubes. Add the meat in batches, browning each piece well in the grease. As the cubes brown, move them to a plate and continue adding more until they are all done.

Remove the Dutch oven from heat, and spoon the onion and garlic out, putting them in your blender. Drain the chilies in a colander over your sink, and add them to your blender with two tablespoons of Worcestershire sauce, two teaspoons of dried thyme, two teaspoons of dried oregano, a teaspoon of ground cloves, a teaspoon of freshly ground black pepper and a bay leaf. Blend the mixture until it is smooth.

Return the Dutch oven to medium heat. Melt the remaining four tablespoons of bacon grease in the oven, and pour the blenders contents into the oven stirring the mix constantly for about three minutes. Add the goat meat and any juices on the plate to the oven together with two cups of chicken broth and two tablespoons of red wine vinegar. Bring the mixture to a simmer, stirring it occasionally. Cover it, reduce heat to a very low setting, and cook, stirring the mixture occasionally for an hour. Add four ripe plantains, peeled and cut into one inch pieces to the mix and continue cooking, stirring the mix every once in a while, until the meat is so tender it is falling apart. That should be sixty to ninety minutes.

We like this served on a bed of rice, saffron or white, and we have substituted canola oil for the bacon grease, and water for the broth.

Jamie and Lisa being annoying together August 12, 2019

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Lake Houston Texas - August 12, 2019

Well we like explicit sexuality, so we ordered a nice selection of nouns, adjectives and verbs, adjectives, conjunctions and prepositions from Amazon. (They threw in a box of indirect articles, commas and semi colons for free.) We'll get them unpacked and linked together in no time. While we were waiting for "Standard Free Delivery, Mon. Aug. 12" we decided to do a little research. We might not be the best word-smiths out there, but we take pride in accuracy. If our story says that one of us can ride Punch's really nice penis, as Lillian sits on his face, and we kiss forming an isosceles triangle, then you can rest assured that one of us used a protractor. (+/- 2% OK!)

So we spent a few days insuring that everything we write about is actually possible, and pleasurable (at least to us). For instance, Lisa finds it a lot more pleasurable when the boys move in together, and then back out together when she is being spit-roasted if she is lying on her back. That way she stays in one place on the bed sheets more or less. When on all fours however, the back and forth swaying, caused by one going in as the other goes out is fun in and of itself. Because we want your porn to be of the absolute highest quality, we did not base this on a single, or even two opinions. The boys were a bit tired after doing all five of us, but it was a small price to pay for accuracy.

While working on 'Dr. M.' we compared the flavors of women's breasts and pussies, but there are other flavors. Once the boys recovered from our first research project, we conducted some blind taste tests using a mask and two willing jizz donors. Please look for findings in a story soon. We experimented to see just how much stimulation was too much stimulation. In one test we blindfolded and tied Jamie to the bed. Then we took turns going down on until she asked us to stop. When we repeated the test with Lisa she wanted the ball-gag too.

That was a longevity test with just one point of stimulation. Test two involved tying a blindfolded Lillian to the bed and having her many lovers each take a different sensitive area (mouth, breasts, abdomen, anus, pussy, hips) and we tried to overstimulate multiple points of her being simultaneously. Because results are not valid unless they can be duplicated, Jamie was kind enough to volunteer to go next. We were also through trial and error able to determine an optimal number of "swats" on buttocks required to make our pussies juice, and make us float and want more. Douglas Adams was right, 42 is the answer to 'Life the University and Everything.'

And you, dear readers, should know that even though the National Institute of Health won't return our phone calls concerning our most useful research, we will continue to self-fund the research and self-publish the results. Because you are worth it.

Jamie and Lisa being annoying together August 2-5, 2019

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Lake Houston Texas - August 2, 2019

Jamie is typing, as Lisa is assisting Kristin on the other side of the island in our kitchen. They are making coconut curry chicken. This is a recipe from an unknown, Caribbean source. It is quite versatile, we have on occasion adapted it for other meats, particuarly goat, but are using it today it in oriiginal form.

Two hours ago, they took four pounds of cubed chicken, half of a diced medium white onion, a half cup of chopped fresh scallion, three cloves of minced garlic, three tablespoons of yellow curry powder, two tablespoons of chopped fresh parsley, a tablespoon of chopped fresh cilantro, some fresh thyme, salt and black pepper, and mixed them together in a big bowl.

They let it all sit in the icebox for a good solid hour. Then they heated the two tablespoons of vegetable oil, we use canola, in a medium skillet over medium heat, until it simmered. Then they left it on util they could really smell the mixture, say two more minutes. Then they added a thirteen ounce can of coconut milk. Increased the heat to medium to high, and cooked the mixture until the coconut milk was boiling, and the sauce was beginning to thicken.

It typically takes ten or fifteen minutes. Bringing everything to a rolling boil they covered the pot, and simmered it for half an hour, until the sauce really thickened into a gravy. We are eating it over rice, inside tonight because the mercury is at a hundred and there will be other days to be outside. We are trying something called "The Temptress" (love the name) an Imperial Milk Stout from Dallas.

Well, we are all showered and naked for dinner. Time permitting we will post an "after action report."

Lake Houston Texas - August 3, 2019

"Mama always said that life was like a box of chocolates..." that is what Forest Gump's mother said, we concur for a different reason. We each have a pretty good idea what sort of "treat" our lovers plan to give us when we are naked together. But it is always a special treat nonetheless.

Whether we are kissing our girl Lillian as she slips herself onto George's magnificent hardness... Continuing our tongue dance, as Punch joins in to gloriously DP her. Just as act one played itself out this night...

Or if it is having Eva eat me, as I take care of Kristin in the same way. Then having Punch join in to the festivities, buggering me nicely as both my girls sit on me...

Then having George swap places with Kristin so that i might be slowly spit roasted. Until i am very, very well satiated. Having my last lover, my very first girl help me to my feet. So that we might ravage Lillian as we watch George fuck Kristin and Punch fuck Eva.

Life can be a box of wonderful chocolates. Each bite a slightly different but equally delicious treat.

Lake Houston Texas - August 5, 2019

We were looking through the files on our computer, and posting a few old stories. Mostly ones that Lisa had written "elsewhere" with varying degrees of input and editing from Jamie. All had been rejected, although we think we just somehow got ourselves on a "naughty list," because we could have submitted "Green Eggs and Ham," and it would have been rejected. We had both read other stories over there that dealt with the same topics as ours (albeit with a bull shit "I knew I shouldn't have but I..."). They carried phony disclaimers and they earned red "H'"s. Now we AREN'T saying our prose was as worthy as theirs. But we didn't get rejected for syntax or adjective choice.

Mostly it was rejected as being "underage." But get real, where we lived 16 year-olds could get married (with parental consent). Romeo and Juliet were 13 and 14 (maybe not the best role models, but...). Alexander Hamilton was an Continental Army officer at 16, and as a captain led the siege of Quebec City at 18. His namesake Alexander of Macedonia led armies at 16. What "underage" had to do with thirty-year-old stewardesses wearing chastity belts is unclear to us.

Most of the chapters of Tableau that we submitted were "rejected." A little bit of "George, Michelle, Lydia and the track team" was slightly recycled into 'Philadelphia Texas'. Lillian's first time with Punch, and her first time with Eva were rejected in spite of a clear statement that we were adding to the beginning of each story that everyone in the story was 18. (16, 17, 18, someteen...) Stories about nipple rings and branding were rejected. As was a story about fulfilling God's "prime directive" (to be fruitful and multiply).

Essays on motherhood being the ultimate masochistic submission, and how we chose not to participate in the medical profession's treatment of being female as a disease were rejected. Those we half way understand why, (not that we agree, but storks deliver babies, we know). But, rejecting 'The Bobcat and San Angelo' simply said to us that we were "persona non grata."

We just checked, 592 "likes" a weighted average score of 4.34 on 64 stories. Six hot 'H"s... But "nobody is interested in your peculiar..."

"Yeah, right..."

We must not monetize well...



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