jake60: Blog


Final chapters of Too Many Secrets submitted

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I decided to submit the final 2 chapters together. I'm working at final editing and proofreading of another story, but it won't be submitted until it's done completely. The tentative title is Mal's Journey.

A new story - Too Many Secrets

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After almost 8 years, I've returned. Time will tell if that's a good thing, I guess. I've added the first 2 chapters of a total of 21. The rest will follow at 1 a day, posted around 1 PM Eastern, I hope.

I've been doing a bit of writing over this hiatus, and have 2 more stories almost completed. Now that my toe is back in the water, I'll try to get those 2 finished and submitted, assuming I don't drown in this attempt. Till later.

For Authors and Editors

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You may be interested in a course available at https://www.edx.org/ You can select to pay for it to get a credit, or you can audit it for free.

The course is Write101x: English Grammar and Style, and information on it can be found at https://www.edx.org/course/uqx/uqx-write101x-english-grammar-style-1766#.VCGYwBajKSo

It started yesterday, and runs 9 weeks, with 4 hours of your time needed each week. I signed up to audit it, and so far I'm very pleased with what I see.



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