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Hugh Reddy: Blog


First Anniversary coming up

Posted at

Been almost a year since I started my story. it's now at 25 chapters, with a word count of 224,559, and 21969 downloads. Had no idea my writing was going to last this long or be read so much. My sincere thanks to those who chose to follow me, and many thanks to those that continue to read my poor ramblings. I'm working on chapter 26 and have thoughts on future adventures. (Trying to work up an idea for a Halloween party. but that's a long way in the future. So is Christmas)


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seems when was checking my chapters for errors, I double posted 9. It should be corrected shortly.


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I had to make up the VW buses to fit the scenario. as far as I know, the 65 VW bus only held seating for 8. Hopefully any motorheads reading the recent chapter will give me a break.

Firepits, weenie roasts, burning marshmallows. looks like a fun Labor Day.

Martial Arts Training

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I am signing up the Columbus females for Martial arts training, and to be honest, the extent of my dojo knowledge comes from Karate Kid movies, so I am going to send them for training and not get into what that training consists of. "It's better to be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and prove it".

I have been asked who

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is the target for revenge in my story.

Short answer is Dina.

But in targeting her, I targeted the entire family, and some of her friends.

I hope this clears up some of the confusion.



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