Family illness has been my major concern for the past year and I just had no will to write. I hope that I can continue to work on my stories from now on. I forgot how much fun it is to create a world in my mind and share it with others. She who rules all has been on my back to stop fussing over her and get back to my stories. Thanks for the comments and support.
Posted at
After my latest postings I noticed that several errors had made it past both me and my wife/editor.I told her she was fired, but she claimed that, after 50 years of putting up with me, she had tenure. I'm looking into that.
Zen master
Posted at
Thanks for the heads up. It's interesting how the brain will make corrections in your mind as you read. I may be able to get she who must be obeyed to proof my chapters.
I'm Back!
Posted at
No output for the past few months as I had to get a valve job on my heart. I will try to make my story updates more often from now on, but keep in mind, Murphy is still around.