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Father Stitches: Blog


Hopefully writing again soon

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I have stated in the past that I am residentially challenged. That should end in the next few days, and I can begin writing again.

Hopefully writing again soon

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I have stated in the past that I am residentially challenged. That should end in the next few days, and I can begin writing again.

Reasons for the rewrite.

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I noticed a lot of issues when I reread the story, the change of perspective wasn't consistent, I wasn't descriptive enough and told it like I was talking to someone rather than as a true story.
After reading some other authors, notably Aroslav and Bluedragon, I realized I work harder. Rather than let myself get complacent in the way I was headed, I decided to start fresh. I am leaving the current version up until I complete the rewrite to the point I am at, but I don't guarantee that the story will remain the same. I thank you for your patience with me.

My story is undergoing a rewrite.

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I feel I can do much better, so I am sort of starting over. Just wanted to keep you informed.

Update and none directed criticism

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Ok, I have started chapter 6 of the Puppygirl saga, and as a slight spoiler, will Vern is coming.

On an unrelated note, and I may be guilty of this as well as those I am calling out as a group. Editors, I have read a number of stories recently that said they were edited by x, y, or z, and yet they contained many misused words. They weren't misspelled, they were just incorrectly used in place of a similarly spelled or sounding word. Remember, an editor isn't just a spell checker. Wench instead of winch, quite instead of quiet, defiantly instead of definitely, where instead of were. Those were my most recent encountered ones, though not all in the same story. The wench one had me laughing at the imagery. Paraphrasing here for effect, 'He used the built in wench to pull the ATV out of the mud.' My thought at that was"Bloody 'ell, its gonna take me forever to get the mud outta me bodice!" One that makes me sad on multiple levels to rest is "She reviled her body slowly." Other things to remember They're taking their mattress over there. The two twins had to suck cock too. You're getting your own dildo, I am not touching it. She and I are going to fuck, but the bed belongs to me and him. This one is the one more people get wrong. In the use of She and I, take each word individually, She is going to fuck, I am going to fuck, if you tried to say me and her, it is wrong me is going to fuck? Her is going to fuck? The second part is easier but the same rules apply. Without going into an overly long English lesson, try using the words singularly in the sentence. Oh, and the Rogue applied rouge to her cheeks, not the other way around. 😜



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