That's a milestone. The first 30 chapters have reached 5,025,399 page views. What's most interesting about that is that there are many, many more chapters beyond 30, but the website where Potential chapters have been viewed over 5 million times doesn't have the whole story.
Potential is available individually in four books over at Bookapy, or as a four-book collection.
If you haven't checked it out, you should at least go over there and read the free preview. It has been revised, been super proofed, and it's really a pretty amazing saga if I may say so.
And, to be fair... I could use your support. I have a number of other shorter books over there too. Feel free to check them out.
Thank you!
EroticScribbler aka bistander, has put forth a series of shorter books for your reading pleasure. All can be found in their entirety here, all for $2.49 or $1.99: EroticScribbler's Stories
The Tide
A rich man, his young beautiful wife, and her teenage son go on a vacation in a tropical paradise. Once alone on a remote private island, the wife’s plans for revenge manifest, and the whole truth about her identity and reasons for marrying him come out. A shocking ending too, not for the faint at heart!
Call Me Baby
A man with a sketchy past gets the anal virginity of his girlfriend as part of a deal, only to find it is much, much more than he ever expected. Twists galore, a huge surprise, and payback in the form of bitchy karma reigns supreme in this tale of revenge.
Alice in Dragonland
A woman seeks help uncovering the meaning of a disturbing dream that could be linked to a childhood trauma. The psychologist delves deep into the young woman's mind, painstakingly extracting repressed memories. Shocking details come to light.
A Dinner Surprise For Three
A husband requests an erotic story from an author. Now written, the wife is inspired to try and fulfill his threesome request. Once arranged, it becomes a torrential fuckfest, far beyond either of their original expectations. Between oral sex, anal sex, double penetrations and more, it's crazy. Then, at the end, the wife does something totally unexpected!
The Kiss
A teenage girl who feels like she needs to practice risky behavior puts herself in a terrifying situation that makes her question everything, including whether or not she deserved what happened to her while exposing herself in public. What she finds changes her life forever. WARNING: Brutal Rape Scene. The story is not about rape, but something else.
Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Can Margaret, a woman with a past she doesn’t want to remember, find peace in her new life as a rich wife, or will a conflict with her stepson’s new girlfriend and a friend from her past unravel the new world she wants to become a part of? A cloud of naughty erotica hangs overhead.
Let It Snow
The story explores identity, sexuality, and female empowerment at an Anime Convention where an unexpected snowstorm serves as a catalyst for two mothers with their daughters to grow closer together, allowing them to confront their pasts, embrace their desires, and forge a new future.
Fast Car
Fast Car tells the story of CJ, a teenager escaping a difficult home life with his mother's alcoholism. He plans to leave in his '70 Pontiac LeMans but first stops to say goodbye to Mimi, a close family friend. What happens at Mimi’s changes CJ’s life.
There's certainly been a lot of interest as to how and when I will wrap up the Potential. So, here's an update. I've been writing Potential for more than a decade. Think about that. There's hardly a day that goes by that I haven't thought about Potential in one way or another. The characters live in my mind, and I exist in their world too. You know that thin line between sanity and insanity? It's VERY thin.
So, I am working on the conclusion. But to be fair, most of you do NOT know the circumstances under which I write, and live, and I'm not going to elaborate here. If you have an interest, go over to Bookapy, search by author (yes, I am bistander, but over there I am EroticScribbler), find me, and click on About. After reading that, you'll get an idea why it isn't quite as easy for me to slam out chapters.
If you want to help, buy a book, or, if you have the means, by all my books. It helps. Money matters in my life. I get thousands and thousands of downloads. In fact, I've had over 300,000 downloads of my work since I posted it here starting 10 months ago. If I had 10% buy...wait, if if I had 1% buy..............1 purchase out of 100............I'd be far better off financially and mentally.
Being honest, it is difficult to be creative at a high level. It's damn near impossible when you are wondering what is going to break next and push you into financial ruin. ::: shrug ::: Just saying.
I have the Potential books (also available as a series, saving you money), and the Attic Voyeur. Thanks.
For the great many of you who have been reading Potential, either here or if you've purchased the eBooks at Bookapy, you've been wondering about a Book Five. Well, I'm happy to announce for EroticScribbler (bistander by any other name) that we've just put Book Five on the shelf at Bookapy. It's about 80,000 words, and the price is under five bucks!
It's also part of the collection of five books now for $23.95, some real savings over buying them all individually.
If you are a fan of coming-of-age stories, you have got to check out Potential! Here's a link:
This blog entry has a twofold mission: let readers know that Potential Book 2 is now available over at Bookapy, and, to give some background information on me.
Born in the '60s, I grew up with a severe learning disability and ADHD. Because I changed schools so many times in my first 6 years, I fell through the cracks and went undiagnosed until high School, but by then I had already been traumatized by teachers and students who decided I was a discipline problem and stupid, respectively. Third graders could read and spell better than me, but somehow I always managed to move on to the next grade with the help of summer school and "generous" teachers who didn't want to see me again the following year.
With no hope of keeping up at a college level, if one would have taken me, I didn't mind doing manual labor. I was good at building and fixing things. There's nothing wrong with that and I could make a living at it.
As an avid bicyclist, I spent a lot of time on a bike. One day, I was run down by a car. My family was given little hope of my survival, but a month later I woke up in ICU with people trying to convince me I couldn't move. I figured they were lying because my brain remembered what my limbs felt like. If they would untie me, I would prove I could walk, is what I said.
After proving harder to kill than they thought, the doctor said I'd never move from the neck down. 9 months later, I was released from the rehabilitation hospital without feeling in 90% of my body, and limited use of my arms and wrists, but no use of my fingers.
For a couple of years, I tried solving my problems with alcohol and drugs, but they didn't fix me or kill me fast enough, so I got my shit together and started working with computers. I was able to keep up and support myself for more than 20 years before the wheels came off and my life derailed. The physical and mental demands of IT became too much. My hands, wrists, and shoulders couldn't do it anymore. I lost my wife, house, job, and self-respect all in a few months.
One day, sitting in a crappy apartment, I started writing a story. I didn't know anything about how to write, other than computer code, so when I shared it with someone they said, you punctuate and spell like a third grader. They were right. That was around the same time I read the first book that I didn't have to read for school, The Road Less Traveled.
I still can't spell, still live in the same crappy apartment, subsisting month to month on disability, but I have learned a few things about writing a story. It is hard work physically and mentally, since I have to hunt and peck with pencils attached to devices secured to my hands, but as long as the pain in my wrist and shoulders doesn't get too bad, I will keep learning and creating. I hope you enjoy what I worked so hard to create.
I have Potential Book 1 being slowly posted here, and available for sale at Bookapy along with Book 2. Both of them have been EXTENSIVELY revised and grammar checked and all that good stuff! I'm working on reviewing Book 3, but it's gonna' be a couple weeks I suspect due to the above. Please be patient, thank you. And thank all of you who have purchased Book 1 or 2, I appreciate your patronage.