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Emmeran: Blog


Technical Details and Probability vs. Possibility

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A Ten Pound Bag note

As my story has progressed along I'm starting to see the expected comments regarding some of the more technical details of the story-line. This is the point where Probability and Possibility clash; probability always loses when it comes to fiction writing of the sort I'm attempting to do. If it's "Possible" then I am allowed to use it.

Writing this story has changed my life routine, prior to starting this project I was meandering through the Covid morass that is the shut-in life of a high risk individual. These days I awake at 5am, start the coffee and get to work; new purpose and all that. Most importantly I start the day doing research; I really want my works to slant a little more towards Probable than towards the far end of possibility. I really want to avoid "God in the Machine" if at all possible.

So yeah I do my research and then I write. However I don't keep perfect notes and inventories won't be spot up-to-date; weights might be off by a bit. On the other-hand my protagonist doesn't have unlimited ammo nor is he a sudden Kung-Fu master with a twelve inch penis.

I do post the research links and schematics (and even recipes) on Patreon and I am open to questions via PM. My Editor and I both appreciate it when you point out things we missed so please don't be afraid to PM that too me, I hope we improve as the project goes on.

And the answer is no Matilda doesn't talk to me either even if I am the author; so I don't know any more about her than you do.

Happy New Year

Happy Birthday to me and Happy New Year to everyone

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Today is my birthday so I thought I'd drop a word wishing everyone the best for the New Year.

2020 has been frustrating for everyone and an outright nightmare for the folks that had to deal with both Covid and a natural disaster (or two). This disease could have been far worse and my house is still standing so I'm pretty happy. Last time something like this happened the world was at war so in my book we were pretty lucky.

Keep a positive attitude and try to have some fun. Never forget that safe breathing and safe sex are very important, a face mask and a condom is the latest trend in porn fashion.


Merry Christmas and A Ten Pound Bag story progression.

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Commencing the day after Christmas in the year 2020 new chapters for the Ten Pound Bag will be published each morning. My chapters are sufficiently short (1k~2k words) that I feel I can keep up this pace. It won't always be easy but I have built up enough of a queue that you shouldn't notice a break.

Like everyone else life sucks time away from my reading and writing; today I have to run the snow blower, set up a Christmas Tree and grind some sausage. All of this on top of the other daily chores - the livestock always have demands you know.

I have more side stories coming with varying degrees of the fun smutty stuff we all enjoy so much. These stories will be identified with decimal chapters so you know where to read them. I'm really looking forward to some of these particularly regarding our hero's three week drunken sexual binge at the beginning of the story.

In the main story "development" is still the operational word but I hope the slow start will prove worthwhile when we have our upcoming epoch event.

Happy Holidays to you - have fun, stay warm and stay safe.

A Ten Pound Bag and it's Universe

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A Ten Pound Bag is my first story and I am writing the main storyline as a strictly PG-13 story. I want to be able to share this tale with my children and my mother.

However I don't intend to write only PG-13 works and Ten Pound Bag obviously has references to sexual activities throughout the chapters. I will be writing and posting the lust filled bits as short stories included in the Ten Pound Bag Universe. The shorts will tie directly into the main story however the plot of the main story will in no way be altered by those shorts. Also the plot of the main story will in no way be advanced by these shorts, some detail might be added in the shorts but it won't be vital and if you don't read them you won't miss a thing.

I don't write the shorts as often as I write chapters for the main story and I'll publish them as I finish them. Often this means that they will trail the main story by several chapters.

Happy Reading and Writing,


A quick word about

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End of the line is a short vignette I wrote during an emotional moment after I suffered a pair of fatal heart attacks in January of 2020.

It is a tough work for me to look at or truly talk/write about. Trying to explain what it was like to die, be brought back, die again and be shocked back alive again sucks even more. One sure thing is - that shit hurts and hurts bad.

This work is an Allegory, basically a complex and multilayered metaphor.

I do feel like this piece isn't quite balanced correctly but I fear changing it as it is also very fragile. Someday I'll correct that tiny piece that feels out of place to me but I have decided to wait until I'm absolutely sure I know what it is and how to do it.

Thank you for reading,




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