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Chapter 1 is written, just needs revising, which I will do much later today, as I've not slept yet and I feel understandibly like death.
Its not bad honestly, and since I feel like I struggle with things like depicting action sequences I kinda like exploring this new unfamiliar area as I get better at it.
Currently it sits at fifteen pages unedited and like the rest of my content none of it should be behind a paywall or anything, I honestly don't know why they tend to push that, although I only just recently noticed from the halloween entry contests they accepted this year and I find it very "off" for lack of a better term. I don't know, it's probably just to keep the site running, so what do I know?
Anywho, I don't have any cover art just yet, for the story, if anyone is interested in producing any and they want their work shown it off and anything linked to that artist in the form of a "Deviantart" gallery or anything of that nature, like an online gallery that can be apreciated in the same way. Please feel free to contact me via email and let me know if you'd like to do that or recommend someone who you think would like that.
As I've said before I have no problems with giving artists their potenial shoutouts within the authorrs "end note" available at the end of the latest chapter that's been posted.
Until the next adventure, thank you for your time and patience.
Posted a new story for submission for with a self titled Prologue called: Shock and Awe. Been struggling really over the last few days to get it in working order or at least a version of it I liked without making it too exagerated in my opinion.
It'll be based very loosely on the Black Book, but it'll be replacing it with a completely new story, I hope to keep adding to.
Strangely enough I can't think of any cover art that might fit it. If you guys have any ideas or any material you wanna' see posted just let me know, I'll give you credit in either the new story summary I'll give it or the authours "end note" which appears at the end of every chapter, or probably both.
This unlike my other stories although I do want to get to them soon, is pure science fiction and a mechanical excercise in trying out a new genre I've never delved in before.
Until next time, thank you for your time and patience.
Chapter 29 has been submitted, I'd have done so sooner, but by the time chapter 28 still hadn't loaded past the submission process, it was 06:00AM and I still hadn't slept, so I gave up on seeing it being done any time soon and chose to wait until after some much needed sleep.
To be fair, I messed up the first time and forgot to include the in-chapter art of "Nelly", the first time round, which was around 03:00AM and running on caffeine alone for awhile.
It always seems to take an unpredictable amount to upload when you insert art though, especially late at night.
Anywho, I made some light last minute adjustments before it was uploaded into the submission wizard. Hopefully it'll go through soon. I hope your enjoying the free concept art I generated on the flickr account I posted on all my stories so far, if unsure where to find the link it's at the end of the every latest chapter I post, as part of the built in "End Note".
My hope is over the next few days I might be able to focus more on an entry for the "Halloween Writing Contest", I don't know, I'm a fan of horror and I appreciate the genre when done right, which is tricky in my opinion.
Until the next adventure, thank you for your time and patience.
As of writing this I'm uploading four chapters for Rock Punk Girl.
The online Flickr Gallery with images available to download for free based on my stories I've posted at the end of story "authors note" has been updated, including :
Sandman's Promise : A Daughters Best
Sandman's Promise : A Grandmothers Best
Sandman's Promise : Traitors Dream
Rock Punk Girl : Kate
Rock Punk Girl : Aisha
The Wicked Few
Link :https://www.flickr.com/photos/184022009@N02/albums/
Until the next adventure, thank you for your time and patience.
Good news chapter 26,27,28 are done are reviewed and done with only number 29 needing to be revised, now that it's written which I will do tomorrow.
Currently standing at 17 pages by itself the whole section will amount to 75 pages in total, split between four parts, which is great, with two chapters having their own relevant art inserted at the start with relevant context to the story.
At the same time, I want to keep adding to the flickr account I set up with more than just a "Kate" folder but others also from the series as well as my other stories, as soon as I finish revising and posting these chapters successfully.
Until the next adventure, thank you for your time and patience.
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