Dethe: Blog


Dark Angel

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Volume 2 of the Dark Angel Saga is complete and with the editors. I am starting on Volume 3 which is back to dealing with Dark Angel and her friends in Crescent City.

Dark Angel Volume 2

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I have already written the first 4 chapters of volume 2 and while Dark Angel does appear in it a few times. It is actually the origin story of Uncle Susan. What happens when a person that receives ranger and CIA training becomes an upper Paladin level mutant.


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I posted a short story that was supposed to go into the Hero's League Inc universe but for some reason it didn't go there. I managed to fix it so Archangel will be in the right place.

my writing

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While Dark Angel is ongoing, I just started writing chapter 8. I have also written a full story for Reluctant_Sir's Hero's League Inc. universe that just needs editing before posting. I am also writing a full length SCI-FI novel that is a stand alone not in any universe. I only have one editor at the moment so be patient and all the stories will get posted.

belated Thanks

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I realized that I forgot to add thanks to Tenderloin for Editing chapter 1 of Dark Angel. So a belated thank you.



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