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Today is my birthday but you all get the present. I've loaded a very large chapter to RK4. I was going to split it up in half, but its very early in the morning and I didn't sleep. So, you get a big update.
Only one more chapter and then RK4 is done. I'm well into the next book though. Hope you enjoy
I've been writing for well over a decade, but I've never used and editor before. I'm considering it to help me clean up my Rich Kid series. So, if you are a fan of the series and have some time, send me a note. I'm very protective of this series (it's getting emotional in parts) so I'm going to ask questions to you about it and give you some personal back story. Also, I'm writing at a pretty good rate, so I hope you can keep up with me with your feedback.
If you are interested, send me a note
Any older people recognize the name Ms. Bliss? Think early 90s TV.
Oh and, think Blake Lively for Ms. Bliss.
For those who are caught up, you will notice that the last chapter ended on a darker tone. This will continue as Carter's mindset changes.
Also the Easter Egg contest is still valid!
There is probably one more chapter in RK3, which is underway. We move to RK4 Senior year, which will probably be shorter. My personal life is about to get a bit more crazy so i can't promise the frequency of updates, but I'd like to think I'm putting out stuff at a decent rate.
I enjoy reader emails so dont be shy!
I just posted Rich Kid 3.5 and I planted a fun Easter Egg in there.
For anyone that can identify the famous erotic fiction story where the two characters that Carter meets at the beach (both names start with R) I will reveal the inspiration for the long teased Cassie character. She's still a bit away from being introduced, but I have the real world person that she's physically modeled after already picked out.
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