Dark1: Blog


erotic horror story

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Sort of. I'm about halfway through a vampire story, with a heavy sexual/sex slave overtone. It's interesting and unlike anything I've done before. I'm strongly considering publishing it in a legit way, so the sex is mostly 'off screen.' We'll see what people think.

Golden Clit. Rich Guy 1

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Rich Guy 1 has been nominated for a Golden Clit if you would like to submit votes.


Bodyguard blackmail-- celebrity story

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This is a pretty dark story that has been in my mind for a while. I've always wanted to write a celebrity story so I decided to finally go for it. I really dislike Taylor Swift, so there's a lot of humiliation and power play in it. There's also a bunch of racial play dramatics involved. I have ideas for a series of the bodyguard blackmail, but we'll see how it goes

So who caught Elsa........

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In Old Man Carter, who all caught who Elsa really is?

Hint, you had to have had read the Rich Kid series.....

Reader feedback wanted and encouraged!

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I love getting emails from readers. Even if you have negative things to say, I still enjoy hearing feedback from all of you out there. So, don't be shy!

I'm going to toss something else out there, a request. What 'unanswered questions' do you have, now that the stories are done? There are a couple of story threads that I left hanging, mostly intentionally. So, if there are any burning questions out there, send me an email.

I think I'm done with the Carter stories, but if there is enough feedback I might be convinced to dive back in on another short story or two and tie up those hanging story lines.



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