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Great moments in the written "time always

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runs out."


"Savannah Curtis:"

"The problem with time, I've learned, whether it's those first two weeks I got to spend with you, or the final two months I got to spend with him, eventually time always runs out. I have no idea where you are out there in the world, John. But I understand that I lost the right to know these things long ago. No matter how many years go by, I know one thing to be as true as ever was - I'll see you soon then."

-Dear John- (2010)




"To the woman my husband loves: If you're reading this, then it must be true, he loves you without a shadow of a doubt or else he wouldn't have given this to you. I can only hope that you feel the same way about him that he does about you. I wanted to write this letter because I wanted you to know one very important thing: I'm so glad he's found you. I only wish I could be there somehow to meet you, and maybe in some ways I am. Outside of my husband and my two beautiful children, you are the most important person in the world to me because I am gone and they are yours now. You need to take care of them: make them laugh, hold them when they cry, stand up for them, and teach them wrong from right.

The thought of you gives me hope; hope that Alex remembers what it feels like to be young and in love, hope that Josh finds someone to fish with again, hope that Lexie has someone to help her on her wedding day. I hope that one day my family will be whole again. And most of all hope that somehow I'm there with all of you, watching over all of you."

-Safe Haven- (2013)


No, not Sparks...


"He was ashamed of his persiflage, his boasting, his pretensions of courage and ruthlessness; he was sorry about his cold-bloodedness, his dispassion, his inability to express what he now believed was the case- that he truly regretted killing Jesse, that he missed the man as much as anybody and wished his murder hadn't been necessary. Even as he circulated his saloon he knew that the smiles disappeared when he passed by. He received so many menacing letters that he could read them without any reaction except curiosity. He kept to his apartment all day, flipping over playing cards, looking at his destiny in every King and Jack.

Edward O'Kelly came up from Bachelor at one P.M. on the 8th. He had no grand scheme. No strategy. No agreement with higher authorities. Nothing but a vague longing for glory, and a generalized wish for revenge against Robert Ford. Edward O'Kelly would be ordered to serve a life sentence in the Colorado Penitentiary for second degree murder. Over seven thousand signatures would eventually be gathered in a petition asking for O'Kelly's release, and in 1902, Governor James B. Ullman would pardon the man.

There would be no eulogies for Bob, no photographs of his body would be sold in sundries stores, no people would crowd the streets in the rain to see his funeral cortege, no biographies would be written about him, no children named after him, no one would ever pay twenty-five cents to stand in the rooms he grew up in. The shotgun would ignite, and Ella Mae would scream, but Robert Ford would only lay on the floor and look at the ceiling, the light going out of his eyes before he could find the right words."

-The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford- (2007)

Great moments in the written repudiation of...

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the death cycle:


"It's getting kind of hard to believe
things are going to get better
I've been drowning too long to believe
that the tide's going to turn

And I've been living too hard to believe
that things are going to get easier now
I'm still trying to shake off the pain
from the lessons I've learned

And if I see Van Helsing, I swear
to the Lord I will slay him!
A-ha-ha-haa! Take it from me
I swear I will let it be so! A-ha-ha-haa!!

Blood will run down his face
when he is decapitated...aah!
his head on my mantle is how

I will let this world know:
How much I love you--

I can't."

Jason Segal

-Forgetting Sarah Marshall- (2008)



"At 8:55 a bolt of lightning struck the vehicle discharging half a billion volts of electricity and producing 60,000 amperes of current. Its effect was threefold. First, the charge defibrillated Adaline Bowman's heart. Second, she was jolted out of her anoxic state causing her to draw her first breath in 2 minutes. Third, based on Von Lehman's principle of electron compression in deoxyribonucleic acid - which will be discovered in the year two thousand thirty-five - Adaline Bowman will henceforth be immune to the ravages of time. She will never age another day."



"The instant Adaline's heart was struck by the defibrillator paddles, the telomere structures in her genes regained their pliability, causing her to resume the natural course of aging. William was right after all, the comet Della C 1981, finally did return. A half century late, but as bright and magnificent as he had predicted."

-The Age Adaline- (2015)



"Maggie,,,,,,I find you."

"The Walking Dead" - Season 7, Episode 1: (The Day Will Come When You Won't Be)


"And when I reach the other side
I'll find a place to rest my spirit if I can
Perhaps I may become a highwayman again
Or I may simply be a single drop of rain
But I will remain
And I'll be back again, and again and again and again and again..."

Jimmy Webb


"And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless, me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light."

Dylan Thomas

Great moments in the written word..."justice" vs. "right" for:

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-The Winslow Boy- (1999)


The charge:

"Sir, I am commanded by My Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty to inform you that they have received a communication from the Commanding Officer of the Royal Naval College at Osbourne, reporting the theft of a five-shilling postal order at the College on the 7th instant, which was afterwards cashed at the Post Office. Investigation of the circumstances of the case leaves no other conclusion possible than that the postal order was cashed by your son, Cadet Ronald Arthur Winslow. My Lords deeply regret that they must therefore request you to withdraw your son from the College. I am, sir, your obedient servant."


"VIOLET" (maid):

"Miss Cate- Miss Cate- I don't know how to tell you. Just after they came back from lunch, Mrs. Winslow she wasn't there neither, nor Master Ronnie. Shouting, the carrying-on-- you never heard anything like it in all your life and Sir Robert standing there at the table with his wig on crooked and tears running down his face- running down his face they were. Cook and me, we did a bit of crying, too. Everyone was cheering, the judge kept on shouting. It wasn't any good. Even the jury joined in."


"ARTHUR" (patriarch):

"Thank you, Violet. It would appear, then, that we've won."


"CATHERINE" (daughter):

"Yes, father. It would appear that we've won."


"VIOLET" (announcing the arrival of Sir Robert Morton):

"Sir Robert Morton."



"On this point. Why are you ashamed of your emotions?"



"To fight a case on emotional grounds is the surest way to lose it."



"Is it?"



"Emotions cloud the issue. Cold, clear logic wins the day."



"Was it cold, clear logic that made you weep today at the verdict?"



"I wept today because right had been done."



"Not justice?"



"No, not justice. Right. Easy to do justice, very hard to do right. Well, now I must leave the witness box. Miss Winslow, I hope I shall see you again. One day perhaps in the House of Commons, up in the Gallery?"



"Yes, Sir Robert. In the House of Commons one day, but not up in the Gallery. Across the floor, one day."



"You still pursue your feminist activities?" (women's suffrage)



"Oh yes."



"Pity. It's a lost cause."



"Oh, do you really think so, Sir Robert? How little you know about women. Goodbye. I doubt that we shall meet again."



"Oh, do you really think so, Miss Winslow? How little you know about men."


-The End-

-The Winslow Boy- (1999)

The language of rape...-Winterhawk- -Frenzy- -Deliverance-

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-Straw Dogs-


-Winterhawk- (1975)

- "I've et, I've smoked. Now, what ain't I done?"

- L.Q. Jones


Frenzy (1972)

Woman: "Please, don't tear my dress. I'll take it off if you like."

Man: "Lovely. Lovely. Lovely."

Woman: (citing Psalms 91:5-15) "Thou shall not be afraid for the terror by night."

Man: "Lovely."

Woman: "Nor for the arrow which flieth by day."

Man: "Lovely."

Woman: "Nor for the pestilence

which walketh in darkness."

Man: "Lovely!"

Woman: "Nor for the destruction

that wasteth at noonday."

Man: "Lovely."

Woman: "He shall give His angels charge over thee,

to guard thee in all thy ways."

Man: "Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! Lovely! Lovely.

You... bitch! Women! They're all the same. They are. I'll show you."

Woman: "My God! The tie!"


-Deliverance- (1972)

- "Them panties, take 'em right on off."

- Bill McKinney


-Straw Dogs- (1971)







Please leave me.


Get out!

Don't tease me, Amy.


Aah! Aah!


[ Gasping ] Aah!

[ Whimpering ]

[ Groaning, Sobbing ]

[ Panting ]


Please, Charlie.


I don't want to reave you, but I will.

[ Amy Continues Panting ]

[ Whimpers ]


- [ Blouse Tears ]

- No. No.

No! No!



[ Sobbing ]


[ Panting ]


[ Whimpering ]


[ Moaning ]


[ Panting ]

[ Continues Panting ]

I'm sorry, Amy.

I'm sorry.

Hold me.

Hold me.

[ Wings Fluttering ]

-[ Zipper Unzipping ]

- No.

[ Screaming ]

No.! No.! No.!




Great moments in the written word..."Three Women"

Posted at

(An excerpt)

"Helen was coming now, tossing her ass, moaning as the boy continued thrusting. He had excellent control, his hips moving at an even pace, the relentless penetration giving Helen even more pleasure.

Then finally the boy started pounding her, ramming his penis inside her vagina as his own climax approached. He cried out as he came. He muttered something Dutch as he slammed into her and spewed his fluid. Helen groaned as she took it, coming again as she felt the sperm gushing in her cunt.

Aaron came too. His sperm squirted like a geyser as he gazed at Helen's buttocks, at the boy's buttocks, at the boy's sliding penis so thick and red as it moved in and out of Helen's opening.

Later, after they rested enough to regain their sexual interest, Helen coaxed Aaron to do it to the boy, to take him like a woman. The boy was quite eager for it, kneeling on the bed and moving his hips provocatively. Aaron stood behind the boy's raised buttocks and Helen gripped Aaron's balls as he pushed his penis inside the boy's anus and started thrusting.

"Yes, it's good!" the boy groaned.

Aaron was in a daze of pleasure. The boy's ass felt marvelous, a lovely firm grip that made him tremble with joy. He kept his hands moving over the boy's hard buttocks, feeling the flesh, relishing the strangeness of it.

Helen now reached underneath the boy to take hold of his penis. "Ah, you do like it," she said with a short laugh. "You're almost ready to come." She released the boy's penis and she moved behind Aaron again. He felt her hand squeezing his testicles. Then Aaron felt her pushing a finger inside his anus and he guessed she had her thumb in there.

Helen said: "Do you like it, Aaron? Do you like doing it to the boy?"


"Go on, shoot it inside him. He's dying for it."

She gripped Aaron's testicles and moved her thumb at the same time. Aaron groaned and started coming, his hips pumping as he ejaculated in the boy's ass.

"Yes, that's good." Helen said with a chuckle. She gripped Aaron's balls more firmly, her thumb probing more deeply inside his rectum. "Spunk in his bottom, darling. It's good, isn't it? Isn't it lovely?"


"Three Women" by Anonymous (1992)



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