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Lord Bent's Manor series news

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A long overdue update - sorry!

Due to being busy playing the real life game, my writing has been paused for much of the past two years. Thankfully for you few fans who are eagerly awaiting more, I now have time to get back to the keyboard.

Volume Two news. Its in the works, about 40,000 words written. No ETA as of yet but expect further updates as the second half of the book solidifies.

Volume one - Fire and Ice news. I have gone through that work and fixed numerous typos and other author idiocies. I have republished a second edition of the work and uploaded it to Bookapy. If you purchased it there (THANK YOU!) feel free to download a revised version at no charge. I also hope to update the free version on this site eventually. Thanks

That's a wrap!

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The final chapter of my erotic fantasy novel "Fire and Ice - Episode one of Lord Bent's Manor" was posted this morning.

If you have followed the story, please take a moment to leave a vote as I am trying to decide if this is an appropriate venue for any follow on episodes.

Also, feel free to comment of contact me with your likes or criticism. So far, both have been scarce making it hard to know how the work has been received.

Thank you!

Lord Bent's Manor #1 ... nearing the end.

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Only three more chapters left to go in my erotic fantasy story "Lord Bent's Manor".

I checked in this morning and was pleasantly surprised that the votes have now taken the story into the 7's! They had been trending up over the last ten chapters and they finally passed the threshold. Thank you if you've voted!

I was not sure how the story would be received when I started posting it. I knew some would dismiss it out of hand, especially with the edge keywords. From the downloads, the story has well over eight hundred followers which I consider fair to good for a fantasy story.

A progress report. Vol. 2 is well underway. ETA hopefully will be early Winter. Again, thank you and like and subscribe... oops, wrong channel.

Thank you!

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Friday I posted the first chapter of my new story "Fire and Ice - A Lord Bent's Manor story", volume one, of my hopefully-ongoing erotic fantasy/ urban fantasy story series.

Based upon the strong sales so far on Bookapy, it's been well received and I need to thank my readers for your generous support!

Book one will continue to have new chapters posted twice a week, one chapter Friday evening and another on Sunday morning. The book totals nineteen chapters so this will continue for two months.

It is early to make predictions for volume #2, but if I had to guess, it should be out hopefully this fall.

Hello and new story pending.

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Later tonight, if I've uploaded everything correctly, chapter one of my story Fire and Ice, Volume One of Lord Bent's Manor will start posting.

This is an erotic fantasy story set in the magical world of Kreven but with tie-ins to the present-day non-magical Earth. Kreven is a much harder and crueler world then Earth, where slavery is tolerated and where survival-of-the-fittest is the norm. The story is also not for the faint-of-heart, so mind the story codes and avoid it if you must.

Expect descriptions of hard-core sex which may include nonconsensual encounters and exploitation. These instances may also occur between humans and other species or organisms. Note however, there are no depictions of violent rape, torture, or male on male same-sex.

I look forward to your feedback and comments.



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