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I am asking if any past or present Royal Marines would be willing to contact me as I have a few questions relating to some tosh I am scribbling at the moment. If so, please make initial contact through this site. Thanks in advance,
I would like to issue a big thanks to gentry, wonghow, studebakerhawk, whisperclaw, Sailor16 and ctdans I had, for reasons I will not go into, accidentally posted an older unfinished version. I have now posted the correct version. (17:25 bst 26/07/2020) not sure how soon it will appear. It is people such as these that help all of us here better our work.
Getting 3rd place in this years halloween contest is unexpected and delightful. Thank you to those that made this possible and thank you for enjoying my scribbles.
Hope you like it, as always feedback welcome. I am still working on the follow up to Wollt Ihr das Flammen Sehen and it's getting close.
Of the many E-mails I got concerning this story a few pointed out a number of errors. I have just re-submitted it in it's entirety, hopefully addressing most of my mistakes. I will still be happy to receive constructive criticism on this and any/all my stories, as it helps me grow as an author and hopefully enhance my readers enjoyment.
I thank all that have mailed me with their support and advice.
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