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I'm looking for feedback on the idea of editing/re-writing parts of "A New Past" to make a non-explicit version of the story that could be marketed and sold to a mainstream sci-fi audience. To help put things in perspective, Book One has the most explicit content with a total of 24 scenes (out of 165, or 14.5% of the total scenes in the book) that contain material that would need to be removed or edited significantly.
I'm not sure if this is worth the effort to undertake or not, so thought I'd ask this audience their thoughts.
Feel free to drop me a note and let me know what you think of the idea.
Thanks for reading,
I hope you've taken the opportunity to read the first five chapters which form the prologue for my new story, Technomancer. These first five chapters are very short, at least for my writing style, but set up the main characters and conflicts for the next 95k words, so I hope they have you hooked :-)
I'm making good progress editing the remainder of the story. I plan on posting at least once each week, so you won't have too long to wait for the tale. I've also got a couple of other stories in the hopper, being slowly beat into submission. I won't start posting them until they are completed in at least first-draft form, so I'll thank you all for your patience on those stories.
I will warn readers that the story will move behind the paywall within 30 days after completion to allow it to be packaged and sold in other places.
Thanks for reading,
-Charlie Foxtrot
I've just submitted the first two chapters of a new story, Technomancer.
The story will be a total of thirty chapters, all written in first-draft form, and I'll be posting once or twice a week, depending on comments and feedback. There is large variability in chapter length right now, and I'm still adding/editing scenes in chapters ten through thirty, I won't commit to a regular posting schedule, other than say it will all be up on SOL before summer here in North America.
I've opened public comments, on the story for now, and would welcome any feedback on what you like about the story.
Thanks for reading,
I've finally finished up the next installment of my Survivor's saga and submitted the first chapter.
If you haven't read the first tale, you may want to explore it before reading this newest work. I plan on posting the four chapters plus interlude of the tale over the next few weeks.
For readers that have commented and asked for updates, thank you for your patience.
Thanks for reading,
A sincere thank you to all the folks that voted for "Seventh Day" in this year's Clitorides.
Thanks for reading (and voting),
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