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CE Savage: Blog


Just released Chapter 16 of Nexus Rising

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In this chapter,Maria works inside the traffickers auction! Thanks for reading 😊

Update on the Nexus Rising book

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I've been concentrating on finishing the book so I've been falling behind on posting the chapters, but the good news is I've finished Chapter 27 Yay! These characters just have so much to say and world building consistently also involves plotting out the following books at least a little. I have the beginnings of an outline for the third book and a tentative title "Nexus Evolving" Hope you are all enjoying my story!

Just posted Chapter 15 of Nexus Rising

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Just posted the latest chapter here Chapter 15 Nexus discovers more about the enemy and prepares! Hope you are enjoying the story. I also hope the real trooper I modeled Ray Jay on sees this and gets a kick out of it!

Pre-orders feature now available on Bookapy

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I just discovered that stories can now be purchased in advance of their release on Bookapy!If this is something that you readers might be interested in. I will add the sequel to Nexus Foundation to Bookapy. I've now completed Chapter 26 out of an anticipated 35 chapters and this would be a great way to help support my writing efforts. I'm currently projecting a release date in October.

Future Nexus stories

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Hi all, I've been planning the next story and the overall future of Nexus. I will probably add a series of shorter stories before the next book. The short stories will be a bit lighter in content and should be a fun read. The next full book is tentatively titled "Nexus Evolved". The Nexus Rising book should be finished soon, work and life keep getting in the way!



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