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Bullied Submissive: Blog


Power Versus Submission Submitted

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I've submitted the final chapter for publication. It should be up in the coming day or two hopefully. Thanks to anyone who has been waiting specifically for your patience. I was lucky enough early this year to start in a new relationship and that sort of put the writing of this story on the backburner. But its done now :-)

Power Versus Submission Final Chapter

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I just wanted to let people know that there is a completion coming. I'm sorry its taking so long, i started a new relationship which has dragged me away from my writing and into the real world of submission, foot fetish and worship. I'm not complaining! Lol.

The good news is that I have started writing again, the draft is more than half complete and the motivation to write again has also started to filter back. Thank you to everyone who has voted or left comments, it is such a thrill to know that my little creation has been so well received by its readers!

Power Versus Submission Ch.4 upcoming

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Hello everyone, I'm excited to say that I completed Chapter Four of PvS last night. It just needs a re-read and some minor touch ups before I post, hopefully it will be online by the weekend. For anyone that hasn't read it before now this is a lesbian themed domination/submission story where a school guidance counsellor submits and is bullied by one of the Girls she is assigned to counsel. It is written in the same style as my Tumblr captions and includes Girl bullies, submission, humiliation, blackmail, non consent themes as well as betrayal. All sounds a bit rough when I put it like that! But truly it's much more gentle than that and our victim is actually quite willing in most instances! Please note this is a continuing story and You will enjoy the whole thing more if You read my story Balance of Power first which is the lead in to this book. As always any correspondence is welcome!

Update Power Versus Submission

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Hey, just a quick update to let you all know that I am still alive, and that I will be continuing to update my Balance of Power / Power Versus Submission story. I allowed myself to go outside my original plan for Chapter Three and have written a sequence that doesn't really take my original story plan anywhere, I think you guys will still enjoy it, it's just a little lighter but is still in draft form and there's some additions I'd like to make that will help to keep the overall story moving.

I'm not going to provide a time frame publicly but the feedback I've been getting through my Tumblr blog really inspires me to keep writing at times when I are not motivated to do it all. Also with restrictions being lifted now where I live, I'm home to write way less often!

If you haven't seen my story yet, start with Balance of Power Ch.1. It is a slow burn where a careers counsellor allows herself to be dominated and then bullied and is eventually blackmailed to allow one of the Bullies she counsels to take over her life. It's mostly a lesbian coercion theme but has strong elements of non consent as Robin is taken further and further down the rabbit hole.

Power Versus Submission

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Power Versus Submission is essentially a continuation of Balance of Power. It can be read on its own but will be a lot better if You read Balance first. I have now completed Chapter Two and hope to have it submitted in the next day or two, just as soon as I've heard back from my test reader.



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