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I'm partial to stories involving libraries, particularly if magic is involved.
Here are three I've particularly enjoyed/am enjoying, all with scores comfortably over 8.0.
Hidden Heritage II: The Scholars by DeeBee. Complete: the middle book in a three book series.
The Last Library by Dai Stiho. In progress, but updates are currently infrequent.
The Library of Ibados by Fick Suck. Also in progress, but updates are frequent and regular.
If you have favourites that I've missed, send me a message and I'll add them if they float my boat.
At the conclusion of my novel, 'Gay!', it had earned a score of 7.99. The intervening years weren't kind and it slipped to 7.98. Imagine my surprise when I recently discovered it was up to 8.01. My lowbrow novel is now eligible for the attentions of highbrow readers who turn their noses up at anything with a rating of less than 8.0!
I'm very, very afraid.
When readers have objected to the direction I've taken a story, requested a sequel or complained about a story languishing unfinished, I've always encouraged them to produce their own solutions. To that end I've explicitly added the following to my home page header:
'Authors are welcome to write their own versions of these stories, write sequels, or finish off any incomplete works. However, if you decide to share your work, please submit it to SOL or its sister sites, and let me know so I can have a read too. It's only polite.'
Unfortunately, with only 500 characters to play with, I had to be a bit brutal with the previous header contents :(
I'd appreciate observations on my policy. Have I been too generous? Can you think of any unintended consequences?
Thanks, AJ
A few minor corrections to 'Gay!' went live earlier today. The plot hasn't changed but I've tried to make the terminology more consistent as well as correcting a few typos.
I admit I'm not good at choosing titles but to me, 'Gay!' chose itself, referencing the story's inciting event. I've received many complaints about the title being deceptive and off-putting. I assume that's because of the squick regarding male homosexual sex, even though none occurs in the story. So far nobody has suggested a better title so I reckon SOL is stuck with it. Two related observations - I've had no complaints from people who started the story because of the title then were disappointed about the absence of gay sex. And I've been gratified by the proportion of positive feedback from female readers - thank you, and I'm glad what I wrote turned out to be female-friendly.
I've abandoned my quest to get a version of the story on Amazon for defensive purposes: the story isn't erotica, the story rating isn't very attractive to thieves, and Amazon might have issues, real or imaginary, with the content. That doesn't mean it hasn't already leaked - Google "Joanna Kafkasian". And no, I haven't dared to actually open those pages.
I recall at least two people offering to produce an American English version of 'Gay!' but I've scrutinised my mailbox and can't find their details, either because I'm too disorganised or the relevant personal messages have expired. If either of you are still interested, please make contact again. I'm not sure how it would work - perhaps the American version in your name with half credit? We'll have to ask management.
In the initial version of 'Shoe Girl', I unthinkingly wrote "rat's nest". Then, overthinking the situation, I decided a nest was likely to house multiple rats and therefore should be a "rats' nest". Belatedly I remembered Joe Internet and discovered that the colloquialism for a 'messy disorder' is ubiquitously spelt "rat's nest". So I'm in the process of changing it back again.
Although no longer relevant, I checked a 'nest made by feathery dinosaurs' for comparison purposes. The winner was "bird's nest", but "birds nest" is rapidly gaining in popularity.
And just to prove you can be wrong all the time, the Google summary of the Wikipedia (spit!) entry reads: "Bird's nest. A bird nest is a place where birds lay and hatch eggs."
For those who are downloading the story, when the next new chapter goes up, hopefully this afternoon UK time, you might like to refresh your copies of the earlier chapters.
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