autofocus: Blog


ACP 33 Plus

Posted at

Swenson House ends a VERY BUSY DAY. The kids discuss how to move forward.

The nerds in 'Lab Rats' are looking for smart people. They will talk to me when they do. You can't rush science. Well, you can but you will get emails pointing out the logic flaws.

'Missed Clues' is a story that has been taking up my limited head space since I read an incomplete story years ago. I cannot find it now to credit the author. It had something to do with South Beach.

As you might expect, this tale is way over the top. I gotta be me.


ACP 32 Posted

Posted at Updated:

Hi folks.

Posted Section 32 minutes ago. Sections 13 through 31 were reposted yesterday to correct a few little boo-boos and embellishments for clarity were added. If you have copied the text so far, it might be wise to download the revisions. 1 through 12 may get the same treatment soon.

Lab Rats will be updated next.

Thanks for reading.


ACP & Lab Rats Updates

Posted at

ACP 30 and LR 7 submitted for posting. More to come.


ACP 29 Posted

Posted at

The hurricane was the easy part. Marcie still has no tan. The family gets nice toys, the sexist good guys get schooled.

'Lab Rats 7' coming to a screen soon. Thanks for being patient.

Part 2 of 'My House, My Rules' is coming along nicely, also. The timeline is, as it should be and ever was, like a plate of spaghetti. I haven't forgotten about the Demopolis girls. The next game of 'Twister' will be legendary. Keep score with a spreadsheet.

Thanks for the feedback.


Lab Rats 6 submitted

Posted at

Interesting times are complicated times. Confusions and surprises abound. Dangers, mental, moral and toothed, lurk.

Chap. 7 is nearly finished. ACP continues apace. What to do will be decided.

Thank you for reading.



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