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This is number seventy-two in the blog series, “My Life in Erotica.” I encourage you to join my Patreon community to support my writing. (Sorry I couldn't get this up earlier, but lost internet connectivity on the ship this morning.)

MY NEW STORY IDEA takes place in the distant future. (A hundred years? A thousand?) Long enough for evolution to have an effect on who we are, understanding that we are already 600-800,000 years into that cycle. But many of the questions remain the same as those we face today. This, then, is part of the world building.

It is possible for us to meet the physical needs of every living being on our planet. Ephemeralization is real. For millennia we have been doing more with less and less. If you return to the early twentieth century, you will find the antecedents of the current computer technology—massive things that filled a room. Since that time, we have constantly created more and more powerful computing devices that are smaller and smaller. The personal computer. The laptop computer. The cell phone and smartphone. Smart watches. Implantable devices.

A pacemaker the size of a pea can be inserted in the heart to keep it beating at a consistent rate even long after a person dies. This can be replaced by a microchip in the brain that regulates the signals for a beating heart.

Now, what do I mean by meeting the physical needs? For a person, I would say shelter from the elements, food for nourishment, physical health. And sex, I suppose. That is a physical need that all creatures function better with. I listed that instead of clothing. I call clothing a psychological need. It is not the same for everyone.

We find the use of deliberate clothing that wasn’t needed to provide shelter or warmth, was a development of Homo sapiens only about 200,000 years ago. It came after the development of tools, pottery, and fire.

Can we provide for every creature’s psychological needs? As long as the psychological need is within the realm of the physical, yes. There is plenty to go around. But here is where need and desire often get confused. Psychologically, we may need clothing, love, companionship, art, security, self-determination, and knowledge.

However, desires often conflict with providing these fundamental needs. Those desires include wealth, power, greed, lust, envy, and pride. Hmm. Remarkably close to the seven deadly sins, but these are the desires that may openly conflict with the needs of others. Because some desire wealth, others are left poor. Because some desire power, others are left insecure and dominated. Because some desire elaborate and expensive clothing, others are left in rags or naked.

I noticed the conflict you did. I listed sex as a physical need, but lust as a psychological desire. Lust is a one-way path. It is the desire of one person placed over the self-determination of another. It may apply to sex, money, possessions, station in life, or relationships.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the species of earth lived in an economy of scarcity. If the crop was poor, we died. If there was a drought or a fire, we died. If the hunt came back empty, we died. And as a result of this mindset of scarcity, we determined that we were not entitled to our basic needs if we did not work for or earn them. The value of each creature was based on what they could produce.

But we no longer live in a time of scarcity. We have an economy of abundance. And once the individual’s basic needs are all met, we no longer equate personal worth to the accumulation of wealth. Those who directly impact the society by improving conditions for all, are directly rewarded. They need not shy away from contributing because the fruits of their labor are collected by a magnate to increase his or her power and wealth.

“So, why…” you ask, “…do people not simply stop working and live a life of sloth?”

Some do. In fact, we see evidence that a devolved species is emerging that has no desire beyond the basic physical needs—living the lives of the lower animals. For it is desire that drives the improvement of one’s lot in life, not physical needs. With physical needs met—food, shelter, health, and sex—it is the psychological needs and desires that drive a person forward.

Let me remind you that the psychological needs include clothing, love, companionship, art, security, self-determination, and knowledge. We do well to provide an environment where such things are available and attainable, but we cannot simply assign love from some storeroom in our society and fulfill that psychological need. Certain behaviors, including labor and social contribution, make it possible for an individual to fulfill their own psychological needs. As long as society provides an environment where such things are available and attainable, people will strive to contribute in order to attain them.

In generations past, people had to spend most of their labor and creativity on attaining the basic physical needs of food, shelter, health, and sex. There was no leeway to improve through labor and to fulfill the psychological needs, let alone any other desires a person might have.

Above, I listed desires that conflict with the needs of others, but not all desires conflict with these physical or psychological needs. The simple desire for comfort is not a negative. With the basic physical needs met, one can attain comfort. The only difficulty with this is when comfort becomes uncomfortable. When the accumulation of property requires limitless work or the exploitation of others, then it is a burden instead of a comfort. It changes from comfort to greed.

In 2020-2021 I released two books in Thinking Horndog’s SWARM Cycle universe. In this universe, a visit from aliens to prepare earth for an invasion by a hostile species results in a sudden conversion from a scarcity economy to an economy of abundance through the introduction of alien replicator technology that provides just about anything desired.

I was troubled by this because of all the typical responses to the idea. Why doesn’t everyone just stop working then? Of course, in the SWARM Cycle, there is an impending alien invasion and everyone must prepare to fight for their lives. A selection of people qualify for emigration from earth, provided they will fight the mutual enemy in space. Each of those qualified individuals can take a quota of dependents who are nothing more or less than their slaves.

In Pussy Pirates, I track the creation of a group who refuse to leave earth. They battle the invading Sa’arm, but are not slaves or immigrants. In The Assassin, I track the development of a planet settled in the diaspora and how the supposed slaves came to run the planet through their labor and industry. Many of the same questions raised in this post are also in posed in these two very different books in the SWARM Cycle.

Pussy Pirates and The Assassin are available as eBooks from Bookapy.

With such a huge amount of machine labor available to us, what kind of contribution can one make to society?

First, with their physical needs met, one need not be afraid of machine labor replacing their own ability to contribute. Thus, art expands significantly. I am not referring to the splashing of paint on a canvas and seeking payment for it. Some painters may, indeed, exchange the fruit of their labor for psychological needs and desires. Machine-art, machine-writing, even machine-programming are banned and are the exclusive provinces of biological life.

Consider that bread from the factory producing food for the masses is good food. There is nothing wrong with it. But an artisan baker creating a few dozen delicious alternatives to factory bread will always find a market driven by the psychological needs and desires of others.

The machines that farm the land to provide food for the masses, have not replaced the gardens and small farms of those who love the land and its husbandry. The machines that build housing for the masses do not alter the need for carpenters, masons, electricians, plumbers, and other artisans to provide more comfortable or aesthetically pleasing houses. There is always a demand for those crafts and there will always be professionals in those crafts as they, too, have needs and desires to fulfill.

We need not fear when we provide the physical needs for all beings.

I can only set these thoughts in the context of a distant future society. It would be too difficult to imagine them as part of today’s world. Yet… Perhaps we will evolve enough to recognize these as fundamental rights guaranteed to all. Next week, “The Singularity.”

All Are Created Equal

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This is number seventy-one in the blog series, “My Life in Erotica.” I encourage you to join my Patreon community to support my writing.

I’M TOYING WITH A CONCEPT for a new story that has been on my mind for seven years now. That’s what I get for sifting through my ‘Idea File.’ I was driving for an hour or so recently and this came bubbling up. Mostly I’ll give you this bit without an explanation, except to say that the story idea takes place in the distant future. (A hundred years? A thousand?) Long enough for evolution to have an effect on who we are, understanding that we already have 800,000 of those years as a species behind us. But many of the questions remain the same.

Living beings are all equal in value. As we discovered in the early twenty-first century, bees are vital to our existence. Who would think the annoying little creatures would have been so valuable? But we were nearly too late to restore the population. Plants were dying and without them, oxygen was being depleted.

That doesn’t mean all creatures are intelligent. It doesn’t mean some creatures aren’t food for others. It simply means that we all have an equal importance in the ecology of earth. When a being self-evaluates as more important than others, it is always limited to how important they are to themselves.

Information is not like that. All information is not created equal. It is up to the processing mechanism—you and me—to evaluate the information regarding its importance and veracity. How do we do that?

First and foremost, we need to discover if the information is true. It may surprise some of you to find that much information available to you today is based on or contains outright lies. The great invention of artificial intelligence was significant in propagating false information. It presented answers that were based solely on the popularity of responses and did no evaluation as to the truth or falsehood of the information. Even though we have learned to discount much of the machine-based information, we are not very good at evaluating it for ourselves.

So how do we discover whether the information is true? This seems like an overwhelming task at times. Can we all do primary research to get to the source of information? Of course not. So, we need to start by evaluating the immediate source. Is it reliable?

When an upright and dependable source is found to have presented information that seems unbelievable, and another source that is known to propagate lies declares the opposite, do we believe the unbelievable information from the reliable source, or the believable information from the known liar? Truth is not an easy path to follow, or even to discover.

We can test the information if it is empirical. How do we know one plus one equals two? If I place a walnut in each of my hands, I have one plus one. I can place them on the table and count them: one, two. The information that one plus one equals two is testable. I can prove it. And because one plus one equals two, I can plot the trajectory of a rocket and the amount of propulsion needed to reach orbit. It is true.

Unfortunately, terabytes of believable data are not testable by these standards. At that point, we must look at the information environment. Is this information consistent with other information that is known and tested. Interpersonal relationships frequently flounder because an inconsistent bit of information is given priority over bytes of contrary evidence.

Finally, we try the information with a jury that is knowledgeable in the field. The jury must evaluate all these things, bringing to the table their knowledge and experience to determine the reliability of the information. Understand, however, that they cannot supply validation that the information is true. They can only indicate that based on these criteria, the information is believable until otherwise discredited.

My first stab at writing a novel had to wait thirty years before I matured enough to read and edit the story for public consumption. The Props Master Series resulted, and it is possible that I will manage to complete the next volume sometime this year.

In Behind the Ivory Veil, both Rebecca and Wesley have to confront information that is contrary to their understanding of the world—especially as staunchly conservative Christians. Rebecca is plunged into initiation and training in a pagan circle that has existed for hundreds of years. Wesley sees Greek mythology come to life and is trapped by the goddess he thought was just a story.

Functioning with the information drilled into them from the beginning of their lives in the 1930s, they both have to evaluate new data that changes their worldview completely.

In many instances, people reject the evidence of their own hands and eyes in favor of information that has been believed for years. A generation later, in Ritual Reality, Wayne struggles with the same conflict of information, denying the evidence in front of him because it is impossible.

And finally, in A Touch of Magic, Paul’s belief that he is just good at sleight of hand is challenged by the reality of his journey to another dimension in order to save his lover’s father. He must recognize her healing power and the great cost it extracts.

The Props Master Series is available both as a collection and as individual eBooks at Bookapy.

Ah! But what do we do with true information? This is a difficult phase of information evaluation. Being true is not an indication of value, it is simply a gating factor. The next phase of our evaluation is whether the information is necessary or important. Understand that true information can be used to skew conclusions that would otherwise be absurd.

You might hear someone say, “I saw your mate come out of that apartment building. My mate lives in that building.” If that is all the information, it can lead to anxiety and conflict. The information by itself is neither necessary nor important. No matter what a thoughtful investigation concludes, the information is irrelevant.

This is closely related to the third criterion: Is the information hurtful? Spreading true information that might even be important is often hurtful. I say to you, this speaks far more about your character than about the veracity of the information. Is this information so important or so necessary that it is worth hurting another living being?

So, understand that even though the bee is as important to our ecology as a person, not all information is equal. Weigh what you think you know against these standards, and we will live in peace.

If the bug about this story continues to bite me, I may continue other aspects of this future world as they come to me. Next week, “Ephemeralization.”

I Got Rhythm

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This is number seventy in the blog series, “My Life in Erotica.” I encourage you to join my Patreon community to support my writing.

I WROTE A LOT OF POETRY when I was a teen. I even competed in and won speech contests reading my own poetry. That was not technically allowed. The rules said ‘poems by a recognized author.’ When my speech teacher confronted me about it, she asked, “Who recognized it?”

It happened that she had read and studied the poems and then took it upon herself to guide me in their interpretation. She actually told me what the author was trying to get across in the poem and how I should read it in order to bring that meaning out.

“You did,” I answered. “You recognized it when you interpreted it to me.”

She asked no more questions about whether I could legitimately read the poem and I won the next speech contest.

I continued writing poetry well into my thirties. By that time, I was far more wrapped up in my prose and let poetry slide by the wayside. A business advisor once told me “If you aren’t a poet in your teens, you have no soul. If you are still a poet in your thirties, you have no brain.” I still kind of disagree.

I find that writing poetry significantly influenced my writing of prose. When I released my first long series of books, the Model Student series, back in 2012-13, I was quite consumed with the passion of my characters—whether I was describing Tony’s artwork or his racquetball playing or his love-life. I lost myself in the rhythm of the brushstrokes and the ball in the court.

One reviewer said, “Some of the writing, when describing Tony producing his masterpieces, is absolutely sublime.” Another said that one section had inspired him to write poetry. And I think back on writing that piece and realize I was wrapped up in the poetic rhythm of the story.

When I think of my most successful prose works, I find they share a foundation of poetic rhythm. The words came easily when I was in the flow and could feel the rhythm.

The individual eBooks and the Model Student collection are available on Bookapy. The paperbacks are available from major online retailers.

While contemplating what to write next this summer, I’ve been searching for that rhythm in a story that would capture the reader and allow the words to flow from my pen. And there are so many different rhythms.

I’ve watched a lot of episodes of the major talent search shows on television this spring, as I developed the final chapters of The Strongman (to be released in August). The shows feature singers, dancers, acrobats, comedians, magicians, dog trainers, and ventriloquists—among others. One never knows what one will see. I noticed, however, that the best acts have a rhythm to them, often accompanied by music, whether a musical act or not.

Certainly, there are certain songs that appear repeatedly in the auditions and even in the later performances. Why anyone still auditions to some of them, I don’t know. They have been preceded by a performance so definitive as to make comparison difficult. But still, they excel!

And I think that is what drives the best prose forward as well. No matter how many stories we have read about an underdog loser who finds his or her groove and becomes successful and popular, we still gravitate to the next one and read it to feel the rhythm all over again.

I was thinking about this recently when a quote came across my desk that encapsulated the feeling and the drive of writing to a rhythm. It is from famed author of the early 20th century, Virginia Woolf.

“Style is a very simple matter: it is all rhythm. Once you get that, you can’t use the wrong words. But on the other hand, here am I sitting after half the morning, crammed with ideas, and visions, and so on, and can’t dislodge them, for lack of the right rhythm. Now this is very profound, what rhythm is, and goes far deeper than words. A sight, an emotion, creates this wave in the mind, long before it makes words to fit it; and in writing (such is my present belief) one has to recapture this, and set this working (which has nothing apparently to do with words) and then, as it breaks and tumbles in the mind, it makes words to fit it. But no doubt I shall think differently next year.”
― Virginia Woolf, The Letters of Virginia Woolf: Volume Three, 1923-1928

I could not have expressed it better. I sit at my desk (a lap desk I carry on the road) and look at the chaotic mass of ideas I have for a new story that I can’t dislodge for lack of the right rhythm. Will this story have a bossa nova beat? A waltz? Cha cha cha? Big band swing? An R&B backbeat? When I find that, I know I’ll have a story that will keep me writing.

Thirty years ago, I produced a new age CD for a vocalist who really understood her rhythms. (Land of Ever by Elyra Campbell.) The sound engineer was great and we had many long conversations. He held that no matter what the genre of music, if he cut out everything but the groove (the rhythm section—typically but not exclusively on drums) people liked it. You might hate rap or country or classics, but if all you heard was the groove, you’d enjoy it. He tested the concept with a CD he mastered that did just that. I listened to and enjoyed over an hour of rhythm and was surprised that it cut across every genre of music. (This talented sound engineer is now a Russian Orthodox priest!)

So, I say this is even more important when writing erotica! The greater the passion that is involved, the more important the groove becomes. Relationships develop, flourish, and even decline to a certain rhythm. Let us not forget that even sex is a sometimes complicated dance that is most enjoyed when the partners share the same rhythm.

Here, then, is to finding the rhythm and soul in the writing. The words will follow.

I’m enjoying my little break much like people enjoy a vacation that they will need a rest from before they can return to work. It is exciting and exhilarating, but ultimately, I want to be doing something more. Next week, I’ll start exploring my current story ideas with “All Are Created Equal.”

And the end has come.

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Today the final chapter of Follow Focus, which is also the final chapter of the "Photo Finish" series, has posted. Thank you for your comments and email. It's been a good ride.

On the Seventh Day…

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This is number sixty-nine in the blog series, “My Life in Erotica.” I encourage you to join my Patreon community to support my writing.

I HAVE BEEN WRITING almost non-stop for the past ten+ years. In that time, I’ve averaged some 800,000 new words per year. Since 2013, I have published fifty-eight erotica novels and ten mainstream novels to join the three I had out prior to that time. Wow! Sixty-eight novels in eleven and a half years. And a variety of short stories and essays!

I have a new novel anticipated in August. But that marks a bit of a slow-down this year. I expect only three new novels to be released this year, rather than my average of six a year. If you are an old fan of the Hardy Boys or Nancy Drew and read the massive number of volumes in those series, you know that several different authors wrote under those names over the years. Not so with me. I wrote and published sixty-eight novels under two different names, but the same author.

I’m only seventy-four years old and am not planning to retire anytime soon. But I might need a short vacation to recharge my batteries. Even God rested on the seventh day. So they say.

I believe I’ll take July to think and plan. I’m going to Alaska the last week of July and expect to breathe a lot of fresh sea air on the voyage. I want to see glaciers before they are gone. I want to visit the coastal towns. And I want to inhale inspiration.

When I started my current phase of life in 2013, I was on the road to see all I could see. I made it a point to follow the 2-2-2 rule of RVing. Never travel more than 200 miles in a day. Always arrive by 2:00 in the afternoon. Always stay at least 2 days. For several years, that remained my mantra.

During that time, I wrote a trilogy of books that entwined my actual travels with my fantasies so closely that even I couldn’t tell them apart!

Many times, I woke up in the morning, hooked up my trailer, and drove to the exit of the RV park where I was camped. I’d look up and down the road and make a decision on which direction to go. When someone mentioned the biggest loon in the world (Vergas, Minnesota), the largest statue of an egg (Mentone, Indiana), or the biggest pistachio (Alamogordo, New Mexico), I went there.

I made a childhood dream trip and traveled US Route 20 from Boston, Massachusetts to Newport, Oregon. I visited my three older sisters in Ohio, Virginia, and Texas before two passed away. I visited old friends in Florida, Indiana, Michigan, Illinois, Washington, Minnesota, Colorado, Missouri, and Oklahoma. I met up with fans of my books and went on adventures as they showed me a first-hand glimpse of places I’d written about.

And I did “research” for books set in Iowa, Illinois, Minnesota, Washington, California, Wyoming, Thailand, Germany, and Iceland. As I told my daughter when I started this trek on August 13, 2013, “It isn’t about the destination; it’s about the journey.”

While liberally laced with fantasy, the Wonders of My World trilogy does follow my footsteps as I visited forty-six states, two Canadian provinces, and sixteen other countries. You can buy the trilogy as single eBooks or a collection at Bookapy.

I have to say that having heart problems back in 2019 changed my view of travel a bit. I found myself staying longer in one place and nearer to places where there was a good medical infrastructure if needed. Three years ago, I settled in Las Vegas for the winter and spent six, then eight, then nine months there before hitching up to wander for the summer.

This past December, I flew to Seattle for a two week visit over the holidays. I ended up staying four months as the cardiologist installed a pacemaker and followed up with a couple of procedures that would help it keep time.

And this summer, I left the trailer parked in Vegas and just took off driving northward in my truck for the summer, staying in cheap motels (which are nowhere near as cheap as I remembered), and eating cheap meals. I’ve worked my way from Las Vegas, through California, Reno, California, Oregon, and Washington. From here I’ll board a ship bound for Alaska. (That will make forty-seven states.) Then, in August, I’ll drive down the coast from the Olympic Peninsula, through Oregon, and down the coast of California, before cutting across from LA to Las Vegas. The redwoods, the beaches, the beauties.

By that time, I expect I’ll have an idea for the next great book, whether it is a Nathan Everett literary book or a Devon Layne erotic tale.

Lest you become concerned, I want to say that my new pacemaker is working flawlessly, I’m now on fewer drugs of less potency, and I’m feeling great. This is not my farewell message!

I expect to return to writing this fall, stronger, more inspired, and I admit, a little poorer than I am today. As is usual, I have twenty-something half-baked ideas in my files and I’m sure one or more of them will finally jump up and declare it’s time to finish baking.

In the meantime, I want to direct you to the stories I have still running at StoriesOnline (authors aroslav and Wayzgoose), and the library of stories I have available on my personal author sites for Devon Layne and Nathan Everett. I’ll be doing some cleanup on those sites and updating with current information. Stay tuned!

My life story continues to be about appreciating the journey without thought for the destination. At the same time, I support marginalized people of all sorts—whether it be old men, the disabled, the homeless, veterans with PTSD, immigrants, gender queer persons, women, children, the abused, those racially discriminated against, or those threatened by the loss of fundamental rights—which probably includes you.

Though I have long since woken up from my time under religious indoctrination, I still recognize the personal wisdom in the New Testament verse: “Whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” The rights of all suffer when the rights of the few are diminished. We cannot ‘give’ rights to one person at the expense of others. We can only give them power to ignore our rights.

I have made it to the Pacific Northwest where the temperature is significantly lower than the 116 expected in Las Vegas this week. I just hope my trailer doesn’t melt while I’m gone. Next week, I’m sure I’ll come up with some new meanderings of my mind to share with you. Until then…



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