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Allen Wilson: Blog


On A Personal Note

Posted at

Let me wax philosophical for a moment, which I almost never do. Well, almost never. Several months ago, I was told that I have a tumor (where is not important) and it needed immediate attention. It was removed and the SOP is Chemotherapy following. I though, Okay, I can do this - right? Well, maybe not. My body is on the low side of seventy and really didn't like the cocktail they cooked up. I have completed the first series of infusions with more coming. Let's just say that my dance card will be full all summer and beyond.

Which brings me to my continued posting on StoriesOnLine. Several weeks ago, I turned off all voting and scoring on all of my stories. As much as I love writing, my concentration and desire to sit at the computer has taken a down turn. (Even this small blog has taken several days and two rewrites.) As the summer progresses, I will be concentrating more and more energies to what will follow. I had hoped to, at least, finish several more chapters, but everything has been put on hold, indefinitely.

I still hope to finish 35 at some point, as well other stories in progress. But that is in the future, and as they say, Man plans … God laughs.

Live long and prosper

Random Thoughts

Posted at Updated:

It's been a while since I posted anything under my name; so here goes. I'm still working on chapter 95 (thirteen pages so far, with more to come). This chapter is turning out a little different than I expected. Not that it's all bad, just different. I'm satisfying one of my own personal kinks. I'm not even sure that that's the right word. Anyways, you'll figure it out pretty quick.

Stay in touch and I'll post the new chapter as soon as I can.


Another Week's Gone By

Posted at

It's been a week since I posted Chapter 94 and, as always, I am very grateful to everyone who took a peek at my tale; and to those who took the time to comment.

Chapter 94 posting today

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I have one more editing run through on the latest chapter of 35 before I post it. It'll be up sometime today.--- Allen

Back at it – sort of

Posted at

I'm back, sitting in front of my computer, After a two month absence. I won't bore you with the details, but it involved hospitals and doctors offices.

The next chapter (94)in my ongoing tale is back in my hands. I don't know how long it's been sitting in my inbox, but thank you yellow peril. I'm going to start making the final corrections, I hope, this afternoon. I'll let you know when it's posted.

Chapter 95 is In progress, and is five pages long, so far. It might be longer than the average chapter (10 to 15 pages long), but you will see why when you read it.

I'd like to thank everyone for their continued support. Your dedication in hanging in there, all these years, is truly remarkable



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