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New complete standalone story posted.
This started life, as all my stories do, as a glimmer of an idea that I thought would be finished in about 10k words.
Once again, the characters had more to tell me, so it's ended up around 50k.
It was written as a single, long document, so the parts are arbitrary splits around 10k words each.
In which Gabbie confronts her demons head on.
Please note, I've been told the opening speech marks have gone astray. I'll fix this when I can...
4 short chapters as we carry on Gabbie's journey as she rediscovers the depth of the abuse she suffered, but there's a light appearing at the end of that dark tunnel.
Four short chapters posted.
Gabbie starts seeing a therapist and she starts to remember, the true depths of her abuse emerge.
Three fairly short chapters.
Gabbie goes home to collect a few things, then she goes to visit Chelcey, and in the third new chapter they go wedding dress shopping...
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