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After some wonderful constructive advice, I have found myself an editor to help me become a better writer. An old friend, a former English teacher is now rapping my knuckles and attempting to teach me the difference between "showing" the reader and "telling" as well as directing me to fix myriad of other problems. I am working on a few stories, attempting to do better and enjoying the learning experience.
I don't have a timeline for my next story for anyone that might be interested. Sorry. I will say that it is another Sophie story, the last one being one of my more well received efforts.
Anyone thinking that they have a story inside them, I say, Write It. but grow a thick skin before posting. However, even if you are the only person to read it, Write It.
Thanks to everyone that has read my stories, if you enjoyed them or not, Thanks.
Happy New Year everyone. I wish you all the best in 2025.
I just posted a new story, set in my "Faith and Paul Universe" This story was written for Faith, who along with her husband Paul, are real people and casual friends. The events in the stories are fantasy but inspired by stories they've told me. Both enjoy reading erotica so I offered to write for them and they are happy for me to post those stories on here.
I am doing a lot of reading to try and improve my craft so please be patient. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Take care All.
Thanks to all that offered and those with suggestions. I’ll be in touch when my next story is ready,
Despite using Grammarly and reading a story half a dozen times, mistakes still get through. I apologize. I’ll look for an editor for future submissions. I am fixing the ones I find, feel free to msg me with others I may miss. Thanks for reading.
For anyone wondering, I’ve been writing for about a year now and have some stories posted elsewhere. I’ve decided to reread, re-edit and tidy up some of those as well as some stories that have been sitting on my computer unpublished. I also have at least half a dozen stories unfinished. Writers block is real even for the short stories I have been writing. My posting schedule will slow after this initial burst. I’d like to thank everyone that takes the time to give some or all a read.
I am trying to improve my craft and am working on a draft for a longer story that is more than just a stroke story.
Thanks again.
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