Just posted chapter 3 of the Manipulator. Books 1, 2, and 3 are available on Bookapy. Thank you for your support. PS New three book series coming out next month. Hope everyone enjoys the stories.
It's called The Manipulator, and the complete book is available on Bookapy. I've completed three books and volume 2 & 3 will be available soon. Hope you enjoy the story and thank you for your support.
I screwed up and posted the working copy of the book on Bookapy. I didn't know until some readers sent me feedback. The new version is loaded and, in your bookshelf, if you purchased a copy. Thank you for the feedback and keep it coming.
I got a letter from the city saying my tree limbs were too low to the sidewalk and street. Typical government overreach because all the houses in a 4-block radius were the same height. Anyway, I trimmed trees and bushes and got poison ivy. Long story short, it was bad. An emergency room visit and pills for three weeks. It was in my eyes and the complete left side of my body. So, posting stories was next to impossible. I posted the second chapter today and have edited the first and repost it soon. Time on the computer is limited until my eyesight improves. Thanks for the feedback, and I hope the second chapter answers your questions.