Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Wheezer: Blog


Still here, but not writing much.

Posted at

But just for grins, here's a little prank I've got my wife to fall for twice.

Watching TV with wife...
Me: "Hon, would you like a bottle of 'Snarfle' Iced tea?"
My wife: "Sure!"
Me: "Great! Would you get me one too?"
My wife: "%&###!!!"

See if your wife will fall for it.

what festers my carbuncles

Posted at

I'll tell ya what festers my carbuncles - having to rake leaves several times every fall when I don't even have any trees in my yard! I know my wife gets very tired of raking leaves. I DO bring her cold drinks and tell her to take it easy. ;)


Posted at

Well, I cleaned my .308 and got it loaded. My blind is set up warm and cozy. Now it's just a bit of waiting. If I'm lucky, Venison for dinner tomorrow night! Reindeer is venison, right?

My stories

Posted at

Thanks to all the readers who voted on Little dog and sent comments. I'm glad you enjoyed the tale. For those who voted 1, 2 or 3 scores - remember to vote on November 28 as your candidate requested! :D

My story 'Divorce: Who knew?' has picked up a few new readers, and surprisingly, the score has dropped. Either some folks do not get the joke, or I've pissed off a lot of Wiccans! One-bombs? Really? ;)

Little dog

Posted at

Okay, mea culpa. I let a typo slip past in the second line of the story. I obviously meant dogs instead of doges. The story has nothing to do with Venetian magistrates...



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