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Wandering Lanes: Blog


Err. I'm still alive but blocked.

Posted at

Hi there all,

It's been a long time since I posted anything, this is due to several things, I lost my mother in 2016 and since then I've had to work hard to keep occupied, this means that I have no time for writing.

When, if, this changes I do want to return to writing, I still have plans for Chris Beaker, Small world etc, but they are still in my mind alone - lot of space there!!

To all those who still read my work, Thank you it is appreciated.


reply to

Posted at

Chris, I hope you read this, I couldn't reply to your email as it got blocked. you stated that you enjoyed the George Douglas story so much that you stayed awake until 4 a.m. and was nearly late for work.

Hi there Chris,

Sorry about that but I'm glad you enjoyed the story, I hope you'll like Veronica Coleman as well.

I've apparently stopped writing for the moment - just can't get my mind in the right state just now, but I do hope to return soon, although I think I've gone as far as I can with this set of stories.

Thanks for letting me know how you felt about the story and I hope I don't keep you up late again.


As everyone else can see I've hit a serious block and I'm trying to force the stories ... bad idea! The ones I've written just flowed out without problems, if something works don't change it!

All I can say is that I hope to post again, but I'm not sure when that will be.


aaarrrrgggghhhhh! Writers Block stikes again

Posted at

To say that the Mages of Zorba'n is going slowly is mild ... I'm not getting anywhere with it at all!

I know where I want it to go but getting there is a quagmire (I had to check that word is spelt correctly!) I've lost touch with my proof-readers (This is entirely my fault as I'm no good at social writing - see the time I take with my blogs) and I feel that I've let them down.

Please bear with me on this and I'll try to break this block.


What's Happening? - Not a lot!

Posted at

I've been told off by Gnume for not keeping everyone up to date with the progress of my work ...

It's like the old sign, Danger Bulldozing in progress, except there is no Danger, I'm not progressing, I seem to be dozing and the sign is Bull!

I've just started chapter 8 of Mages of Zorba'n (don't worry if you think you've missed the first seven, you haven't. I'm trying to get the story written first before posting)

I have to also apologise to my proof-readers as I've not sent them anything since before Christmas. It's me at fault not them and I'm happy to send my work to them if they're prepared to take me on again? (I will be emailing them directly)

So I'm sorry for the delay and please bear with me in this.




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