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W Writer: Blog


I thought it was time for a update... Writer's block

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For the last few years I have been struggling with writing. I have a lot of stories started, but just find it very hard to progress very far with them. The furthest I have got is to around 50,000 words on a couple of stories, but they are still no where near finished. Most stories I only get a few chapters wrote before I hit a block or need to make a change and have to start from the beginning. During the last few my life has changed a lot in unexpected ways, so I expect this is a large part to do with why I can't get any serious writing done.

I still hope one day to finish Prison ship, however I expect that will be a rewrite. As one of the problems I had with continuing with that story, was the last chapter that I posted had been added due to a lot of people saying the story was too slow. I had quite a few more chapters wrote, but they were all slow paced. So due to the feedback that I was getting, I decided to try to add some action. However that meant a lot of the chapters I had wrote, no longer fitted with the story direction. I just was never happy with the direction that chapter 5 was taking the story.

There is another story that I also would like to rewrite. I wrote it over 10 years ago, and think it is one of the better stories that I have wrote. However there is also a lot I would like to change and improve in it. So I'm thinking it might be a good project to work on, to help get myself back into writing. As the story line is all plotted out and it would mostly be a case of rewriting the chapters and improving things.

My other option is to try posting one or two of the stories that I have started, and hope getting feedback will encourage myself to continue with them. However I really don't like the idea of posting further stories unless I think I am likely to finish them.

The last idea I had was to post either a chapter or the outline from a few stories on this blog and then see which one gets the most interest.

So the basic message of this blog post, is that I'm still alive and still writing. But just not getting anything wrote that I could publish on here. I hope that will change one day.

Edit: After writing this blog and reading a couple of emails sent in feedback, I had decided to focus on getting "The Slave Girl, the Geek Boy and the Body Snatcher" finished and posted for now. It is quite a short story and I had basically finished it before I started posting it. However after rereading it, I wasn't as happy with it. So I've started to rewrite the chapters that I didn't post and plan to post it once I have finished the rewrite. So hopefully in the next few weeks I will have something to post. It is going to end up longer than the original version, but I still hope to keep it to around ten chapters or less. At least if I get that finished, I will only have one unfinished story posted on here.

New story.

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I've just submitted the first chapter of a new story.

I am still working on the prison ship, and a couple of other stories. However lately, I've realized that I always tend to write stories that are going to be very long. So lately I've been trying to write shorter stories. Ones that I know I can get finished before life interrupts. Recently I've wrote a couple of stories where the story take place over a few weeks, so they are/or will be around 10-15 chapters long. But I still thought even these might be too long, so I've been trying to come up with story ideas that can be shorter still. Ideas that cover a time span of a day or two seemed ideal.

The slave girl, the geek boy and the body snatcher (still not sure about the title) is the first such story. I have already finished writing the story, and it is currently 4 chapters long, with a couple of those chapters longer than the rest. However I'm still making some small changes and edits to the later chapters, so I could change things a bit. So it will be between 3 and 5 chapters long once I post it.

I've decided to focus on these shorter stories for now, so that I can try out different ideas and styles and be able to focus on improving different areas of my writing skills in each story. At the moment, I really want to focus on improving my character creation skills.

Depending on the response to this new story, I might make it into a series, based around the same idea (the transmerge force) or character.

As I said at the start, I am still working on the Prison ship as well, but the progress is slow, and I'm unlikely to post any more of it until I have it finished (or at least book 1 finished).

I hope you all enjoy the new story.

Still alive

Posted at

Just a quick entry to say that I'm still alive and still writing.

I have done some more work on Prison Ship, but I'm really not happy with the direction that I have taken it. I've not really been happy with it since I wrote chapter 5. Originally the pace of the story was going to be slower and combat etc was going to only have a small part to play, but a lot of people said it was too slow, so I rewrote the story from chapter 5 onwards to give it more action. However as I said I'm just not too happy with it. So I've been taking a break from it and working on other stories.

I do plan to finish prison ship, but I won't be posting any more to it until I have finished the whole story. I've decided in general that I will not post any story that isn't finished.

Prison Ship - Still working on it.

Posted at Updated:

Life have been busy for me during the last couple of weeks so I've had little time to work on Prison Ship. I'm still working on though when I can, and I expect things to ease up soon. So hopefully the next chapter will be posted soon.

New story: A Day out at the Zoo

Posted at Updated:

To give myself a small break from the Prison Ship, I decided to spend a bit of time working on a story that I started to write before the prison ship. I had never got very far with that story before moving on to the prison ship. So for this break, I decided to make some changes to it and add a ending, well at least a kind of ending.

At the moment I have no plans to write any more to this storyline, but I might come back to it at some point in the future if there is any interest.

Also this doesn't mean that I've stopped working on the Prison Ship. I am still working on that and hope to get the next chapter up soon. It might be over the weekend but monday or tuesday looks more likely.

Also this story isn't the 'main one' that I spoke about in a earlier blog entry. this was just another secondary story idea that I had and then decided not to take any further.



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