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It's been a while since I worked on the story. I went back and read the three stories that included Johnathan Smitheres to reembrace that storyline. Reading GTWII showed a glaring error that I overlooked by the time between stories. It will take word smithing to put things back in order. For that to happen I am going to have it removed from the site for now. Von
Some errors were pointed out, and I have corrected them and reposted the chapters.
Thanks for pointing them out.
I continue to write the next installment.
The muse has been back for a while now. I added a new (paid version) program, Grammarly (Tm). It is a harsh taskmaster and slows my writing down as there are many corrections. I have found that is both good and bad, as I have to ensure I have communicated what I wanted when my fingers were flying. This story is five chapters, just over 60K words in total. I'm putting in a series so I can work on the next, not feeling pressured to post until I have an amount worth posting and still getting feedback from what I have. If it is not well received, there is little reason to continue. Von
P.S. It will post over 5 days.
People find that point at different times of their life's journey. I had the first yesterday morning over breakfast. A bit of toast on bread that was too hard and not enough bites before I swallowed. A few moments later my eyes are rolling in the back of my head. Luckily, I was lifted up and out of the chair. I was out and only heard that first a friend tried the heimlich maneuver when I had passed out. When I came back to find my feet off the floor and then a shorter smaller woman woman who was a nurse was telling me I was okay. She commented that she was amazed that she could lift me. No, I am not that heavy just that she looked to be all of 5 feet and a hundred pounds While I am over 6 and pushing a couple. I'm okay well as much as I was okay before this anyway. The adrenaline dump wore off about an hour later and that led to a five-hour nap. I do have some first-hand experience to add to a story or two now though. Let's see if the muse was awoken.
I have with little rhyme or reason scheduled the completed chapters to be posted through chapter 12. Just one of those days where I wanted to get it going again as the muse has opened some ideas for other stories and some needing additional chapters for completion. Enjoy
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