Stories thought to be dead are being revisited and new stories being written too. Currently writing 3 stories at the same time. Rental Problems is getting a new chapter, Old Church is getting 2 more, and new story is being written.
Time off was short, and now its back to writing.
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I shortened my time off and went back to writing the 4th chapter of Old Church. I am also listening to ideas as well.
New Chapters on the way for Old Church
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After a marathon writing session, I am so done with this story for a very long time. I will post chapters as soon as they are fix and then edited. I can tell you that after 60 pages in three days, I am moving onto another story if not taking a year off.
New Chapter
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The next chapter for Old Church has been added. I am still unsure of the story, but I will see how it goes.
Updates and Re-posts
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If you liked "The Old Church" please wait for it to be Re-posted with edits, and a new chapter.
I also have another interracial story finished, but am hesitant to post due to this site being mostly fantasy, but I might change my mind.