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The Wanderer: Blog


A Cautionary Tale

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I recently had cause to read through the comments left on "A Cautionary Tale" on another site.

It surprised me to learn how many of the readers totally failed to understand what was going on in the yarn, even when it was quite literally spelled-out to them at the end.

I'm pleased to say that some folks did claim that they did catch-on quite quickly, so I can assure myself that I'm not alone in this world in being able to regularly and vividly recall my dreams in some detail when I awake in the morning.

It's not unusual occurrence for me to discuss my previous night's dreams with my wife over breakfast, two maybe three mornings a week.

Sometimes those dreams make little or no sense whatsoever and other-times they can deeply upsetting; but that isn't a great gross to bear I can assure you. Generally parts of my dreams will remain available to my conscious memory for no more than about half an hour or so, although snippets or pictures can remain with me for days sometimes.

I've always put my dreams down to my brain struggling to rearrange its memory files. that bloody filing system must be getting a might overcrowded by now.

Anybody can make unexpected appearances in my dreams, school and college teachers, almost forgotten friends and those do include she who is known as "Ottilie" (deceased Australia c2010) and the beautiful "Holly" (deceased Florida 1972)and many, many others.

Sometimes my dreams do make me sad and other times they have gone on to inspire stories that are to be found on this site and others.

It is with great sadness that I come to understand that so many people appear not to be able recall their dreams, if only in part. In fact my wife is one who shares that disability.

So if you don't get the story, please bear in mind that it is you who are missing something from your life, I can assure you.

Oh well

Life Goes On


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I have it on good authority that Papatoad has just submitted a new yarn to "another site." As usual it will take a few days before it's posted on that site of course. Hopefully he will submit it here before long as well, I will bug him anyway. DC



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