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Tamalain: Blog


Rise of the Dragon Claw

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I have the first four chapters fully ready to post, so As of 1/8/21 I will begin posting the Part 5 of the New Journeyer's saga. This story fills in a ton of the back history of Mercs and some of the people that are barely in the first four installments. I hope everybody will enjoy the ride that is coming.

Times Wheel Turning

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The Fall

A Nation born of ideas that had never been pushed to the limits before and a Republic was born. It thrived and grew to be the power of the world over time, but suffered the same fate as all other attempts at personal freedom have suffered. Rot and greed from within ate away at the rights and freedoms. Those in power saw freedom as the one true enemy that must be destroyed at all cost.

And so the Republic in time fell. History shows the path we are now on, it has happened before and will happen again. A populous Democracy rises in the ruins of the Old Republic. It to will fall in a blaze of failure as the systems of civilization fail. The lights will fade, the food will be rationed and walled cities for those in power will be born. The democracy will fall as the rot is so deep it can't support the weight of the populations that demand evermore for nothing in return. And so the Democracy falls in the flames of rioting destruction.

A new Empire will arise from the still smoldering Ashes. This Empire will the most despotic and destructive in human history. Worse still, those that screamed and cried the loudest against the Old Republic will be silenced as the chains and the masters lash once again holds them in slavery. The other remaining powers will resist, but without the Old Republic, they too fall shall into ruin, for it was the wealth of the old times that let them continue on the path they had followed for decades, or even centuries. World Wars will ravage the remaining cities, Populations will fall and the science's will be forgotten as those that remain scavenge what they can to survive. So did the Empire fall.

The new orders will rise and fall as past knowledge is rediscovered and a new world order is born. Will it be based on freedom, life and liberty, or will it be repressive and oppose all freedoms that were once the right of all humans.

Pockets of the old times, the Old Republic will survive for a time, the Free States will go on, but the final wars will crush even them. Those that try to build and escape the coming ruin started too little and too late and could not escape to other worlds in time and they were destroyed.

We follow the wheel, the turning, the rising and falling of civilizations. Will we ever break free of this inevitable cycle, I don't know. My visions of the future are clouded and unsure. I hope that humanity can survive the coming times, for the future has already happened if one but looks back to the past.

Rise of the Dragons Claw update.

Posted at

Well, good news, sort of. I am punching my through what should be the final chapter of Book 5 of the New Journeyer's. I still need to run it through the edit shredder, so it will be a few weeks at least before I am willing to send it up.
Everybody have a good Holiday, Merry Christmas, or what ever you celebrate. Stay safe folks.

New Update

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Two more chapters completed. Just need the edits. Aco and Robin have made it to Tres and are having a moderately good time.

Writers block.

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For two weeks I was stuck and couldn't find a way around a single point without wrecking the chapter. I finally powered through by invoking the Deus Ex Machina. It also explained why the Brotherhood temple has a time flow issue. I should be able to get chapter 11 done now without to many more issue's, I hope.



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