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T. MaskedWriter: Blog


WARNING: Post-Story Writer Wank. Safe to ignore.

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"A Little Night Music" will end with Chapter 22. Sorry if you read this before that clarification and thought 21 might be the end. One more, coming this weekend.

I think this worked out a lot better than my original idea, which was going to be to make it a "crossover event" deal. Troy & Julie and Susan would have gotten their own stories of getting the news about Helen, and what they did afterwards, which would then lead to their showing up in San Finzione.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that I'm often lucky to get out a chapter a week, and I'm not proud enough to think I can pull that off. Pride is my least-favorite of the Seven Deadly Sins. They're all bastards, they'll all kill you, but with all the others, you get a "maybe I shouldn't do so much of this" vibe now and then. Pride's the one that'll kill you and have you thanking it as you go. Fuck Pride. I decided instead to incorporate those ideas into the main story. Susan would have written the story about her Girls' Weekend and confronting the Ultimados, and the monologue she gives while putting on her shoes was a summary of what would have been "An Interruption Amongst Equals."

It would all wrap up in the next story, and when I named the "Troy & Julie Go To San Finzione" story "As Day Follows Night," I decided that the inevitable "Helen Comes To Seattle" story had to be called "So Night Follows Day.

But that's how this became Helen and Susan's story, and why I have to pay Susan's agent a WHOLE lotta money for her not having title billing in these stories. It seems that if I have a "breakout character," it's Helen; however, in my head, it's Susan.

The "creepy word = story arc" experiment ends with "So Night Follows Day." I'm not gonna Moffat you: I reveal what Springheel is in Chapter 4, and I hope it's not a letdown.

I have a 'verse now, it seems.

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Someone on another site came up with the name "Equalsverse."

I decided "Eh, why not? Better than Troy & Julie's Universe."

Feels like people read this stuff, ya know?

Carlin spoke of this time.

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"Ya ever notice how all day Wednesday, ya keep thinking it's Thursday? And it keeps happening all day? Then Thursday comes, and you're all right again."

All day yesterday, thought it was Friday, enjoy the update a day early, I guess.

Double update for "A Little Night Music" this week.

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This is the longest story I've done thus far, and I'm aware of the pacing. I'd said when Paw Writer commented on it that if I got four chapters ahead, I'd do a double update, so here it is. Just posted chapter 9, 10 will post at the usual time.

I can't promise I'll be able to do this again anytime soon. As I mentioned to Paw Writer, being two weeks ahead is, in my mind, a lead, but not what I'd call a comfortable one. If I can somehow maintain four, though, I'll do this again.

Hope you're enjoying the ride.

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If you're reading "A Little Night Music," I hope I've been able to craft a decent mystery, and that the outre "near death vision thingy" isn't too far out for you.

I expected someone to at least groan about it because it's one of those things where you think up the perfect response, but KNOW you're never going to get to use it, so eh, fuck it!

Hi, I'm T.MaskedWriter. I write stories about people who control minds and fuck. Some of them involve a woman who holds conferences with multiple personalities inside her head. Flashbacks are common occurrences as well. Anyone who's got a problem with a dream sequence/out-of-body experience/vision quest thingy, you shoulda read the back of your ticket.



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