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Progress with Six Times a Day Pictures

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I mentioned in my last blog post that my massive story Six Times a Day is being thoroughly revised with lots of new text and all the thousands of pictures upgraded, as well as new pictures. Thanks to new AI technology, the pictures are drastically better, usually going from a 2-D look to a 3-D look. Here are some samples of what the new pictures look like:

I am being helped by two people who know how to use Stable Diffusion. if you want to get involved with the picture making an upgrading or proofreading the text, please let me know. The more help I get the sooner we can get the whole thing upgraded and posted here.

The characters are, from top to bottom: Akami, Amy, Christine, Glory, Susan, and Suzanne.

Six Times a Day Is Getting Revised!

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I last posted at this blog a year ago. At that time, I said I was starting to use generative AI (specifically the program Stable Diffusion) to make pictures to illustrate my story "Dating Maggie." (Actually, long-time helper Yami is doing the generative AI while I do the Photoshop clean-up work.) Unfortunately, that effort petered out after illustrating about a dozen chapters. We found we could do it, but it was really hard making pictures from scratch that showed the same consistent faces each time. I still plan on posting what we did soon though, since some illustration is better than none.

But more importantly, Yami and I have a new target: a revision of Six Times a Day! This is a truly massive story, with three millions words and 4,000 pictures. I realized it would be a lot easier to take the existing pictures and use generative AI to update them. They're pretty simple 2D pictures for the most part that were made ten to twenty years ago, when standards were different. They look pretty crude today. But thanks to all the new AI technology of the last couple of years, they can be updated to look much, much better.

At the same time, I'm rereading the entire story and making a lot of changes, including entirely new scenes. Those will be illustrated by new pictures. So the story will be even bigger, but also hopefully much better.

All of this updating is going to take a lot of work. If you want to help with the art and/or editing the revised text, I would love it. A lot of what needs to be done with the AI art is very basic and most anyone who knows how to use Stable Diffusion could do it. Basically, we're doing lots of image to image processing, where we put in the old 2D image and tell the program to convert to it to nine 3D ones. Then I pick the best out of the nine and make Photoshop tweaks to get it just right. But to do that processing for four thousand images is a ton of work and is the main thing slowing me down from posting the revised parts. So help for that would be really key. But proofreading help is important too.

If all goes well, I'd like to start posting the revised first parts in the next month or two. As the text and updated and new pictures get finished off, more parts will get posted. If you want to be involved, please contact me at: paul_t_22 @ (remove the spaces). I'd especially love to hear from proofreaders and other supporters from way back when. Thanks!

Still alive

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I haven't been active with posting erotic stories for the last couple of years, and I've kept a very low profile. My story website disappeared after the person running it also disappeared. But if you like my stories, you'll be glad to know that I've been busy writing again. Specifically, I've greatly expanded my story "Dating Maggie." It doesn't currently have a good home on the Internet, but I plan on posting it here at StoriesOnline, chapter by chapter. I could always use more proofreaders, so if you're interested, please let me know.

I haven't posted anything yet because I'm working on an exciting new development. The use of AI (artificial intelligence) to create text and art has been in the news a lot lately. A friend of mine is working to use programs like Stable Diffusion to create some 3D looking pictures to illustrate the story. So I'm waiting until the pictures for the early chapters are ready before posting them. If you know how to use this technology and would like to help, please let me know about that too. Thanks.

Part 150 coming for real

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A few days after Part 150 of my story Six Times a Day was briefly posted at this site without permission, I finished making the pictures for it and posted it at my site, There's usually a process where I get feedback on mistakes to the pictures and text, and I make fixes. Once that's done in a few days, I'll post the part here too.

Thanks for your patience.

Something Unfortunate Happened Today

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Something very strange happened today. The next part of my story Six Times a Day was posted here for a few hours. Then I had it removed, because I wasn't the one who posted it, and it's not ready yet! You can read more about this here:

Sorry for anyone who started to read it, only to have it disappear. The good news is I'm working on it and it should be posted properly in a few days, knock on wood. So please be patient.



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