My story "The Civilized Cuckold and the Cunning Cad" was originally written in 2008, after I had returned from spending several weeks of combined business and pleasure in London. Somehow I neglected to post it on SOL, although it has been posted elsewhere (should you have that sense of deja vu). I thought it was about time.
The conference that brought me to London was of a financial nature, so I spent time in 'The City', and the group that I was with was feted with dinners both at London's City Hall (another building designed by Sir Norman Foster, who also designed the 'Gherkin'), and at Mansion House, the formal residence of the Lord Mayor of London. Hence, the locations of the story.
At Mansion House we were served the finest meal that I've ever had in the U.K.! A wonderful, tender, medium rare steak the likes of which I didn't think existed in the U.K. I suspect that I mightily offended our hosts when I suggested that Mansion House must have a French Chef! The wines served were French, after all.
I was inspired by another story that involved a crooked banker, but it seem to me that the character was just a little under-done.
My 'hero' is a charming, well-educated, well-spoken, completely amoral knave! Well, after our experiences of the past couple of years, I might suggest that I've certainly caught the flavor of a lot of the 'bankers' at the top, who run the industry. Prescience?