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SlaterChance: Blog


Thank You for Writing

Posted at

I want to give a big, "Thank You" to all who have written. To be more specific; thanks to Speed, Thom, LS, RG, DZ, Aussie, WI, JS, PO, Mark, Mack, Dennis, Ian, Les, Derek, Garth, AH, Kevin, Rod, and TJ; just to name a few. I appreciate your stories, the little part of your life you might have shared, and your validation of sections of the story. When you mention an error, I immediately correct it.
"A Southern Warming" has surely exceeded my expectations. I have tried to share some of my wonder regarding the world around me. I have also attempted to explain my fascination with the beauty of a woman. I sincerely doubt whether my wife will ever know how amazed I am as I gaze upon her. She is truly the inspiration for much of my writing.
"A Southern Warming" will soon be coming to an end. I hope the final chapters will make for enjoyable reading. My life has recently had its moments in which I have had to scratch for time to write. I suppose that is good. I thank the good Lord for the opportunity to help in the lives of some amazing families this summer. There definitely is truth in the statement; "It is better to give than to receive."
As the Holidays approach, I wish all of you a very enjoyable season. I am toying with the idea of putting a Christmas chapter in "A Southern Warming." I'll have to wait to see whether or not Anna arrives in the states in time.

No Time Left for U

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Too many hours at the hospital this week. I didn't get any nature time.

Mom is not doing well. I wrote some at mom's bedside but didn't have much desk time. My son also had we had to hustle between several hospitals.

Add to that the fact that we entertained some Russian friends in the evenings, and you get a worn out writer. Hopefully this week will be better.

Blog Time

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I know it has been long in coming, but here are a few responses to those who have graciously written. To the Vets…Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Ah yes…the red-headed waffle woman. No further interaction there. Thanks for writing Mr. Cryptographer.
Go Beaufort High…!
Some people claim there is too much detail, while others say they can close their eyes and feel like they are in the scene. Isn't that what it's all about?
The Russian words are the phonetic spellings. From that, you should be able to sound out the words. The Russian alphabet is so much different than ours. Here is a phrase for John; ... Nyet, spaseeba…it means, No thank you.
Speed, I hope your eyes heal so that reading is not such a task.
I do appreciate it when you relay a story from your own life. I have learned long ago that everyone has a story to tell. They just need someone to take the time to listen. All lives have value. No life is boring.

Early Scores

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I am amazed that someone can attribute a score to a story that has just begun. For me, the first few chapters of a continuing story are merely an introduction to the real story. It is in the later chapters where the real action develops. I'm nearing the end of a Tom Clancy novel in which the first 700 pages appear to be all background for the main action.
Some of you have given ratings for a story that is just beginning. You don't even have a clue where the story will go. Well, let me tell you, it's going to take you on a wild and exciting adventure.It is my desire to keep you thoroughly entertained. But before that all happens, the groundwork needs to be laid.
I know that there are some people who will give out a very low score. I know from experience, that there are people on this earth that I will never understand.
However, I am thankful for the folks who give the story a higher grade, early on, which helps to counteract the excessively low scores.
If the score is too low, the readers may not read and the writer may just give up. I suppose that is what some folks are banking on.
What a quandary!

A New Tale

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"A Southern Warming" is a story, that, I hope will find you anxiously anticipating the next chapter. In this story, the reader will travel from the snowy north to the balmy south. In the south, our main character will meet an amazing woman from a foreign country. He will travel to that ancient country and attempt to track his princess down. This story will contain some of my real-life experiences. Hang on….this story will be quite the ride. I'll explain more later. As always, I appreciate hearing from you.
It's been a long winter. Even as I write, the snow is covering the ground. As much as I love the winter, five months of snow is just too much. I hope you can find some escape in this new tale of love, suspense, and adventure.



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