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Rumpleforeskin: Blog


Dysfunctional Magic Kingdom II is done...

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It's a nice novel length story full of some of everything!
Almost no reader comments... but it is holiday season :(

A new story will be posted in the next week for the Christmas Story contest. It was a little too weird for my normal account, so I'll post it here. My regular account will have a new story this week too.

Will there be a Magic Kingdom III? I've left it open... but only if there is considerable more reader interest than I've received at present

Full Metal Prophylactic is about half posted now...

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This weekend I'll be posting what are probably the most consequential (and disturbing) chapters of the Challenge-Quest. Chapters 9 and 10 were extremely challenging to write... and they aren't very happy ones. Note the Tearjerker code. Chapters 11 and 12 are nearly equally important as well, seemingly when the worst is over.

There are consequences in life... and especially with magic. Lydia and Linda, and now directly also our other heroines, discover that even very old debts must in time be paid for. That more than anything else was my purpose for this sequel.

Anyway... about ten more chapters yet to come - depending how much of the follow-up 'Afterwards' I decide to post. Sometimes, less is more.

Long overdue... here it is at last!

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The MUCH requested, very long overdue secret to "Full Leather Fear Love and Loathing in the Magic Kingdom!

Sorry for the rather long absence, but again this is my Alt Writers account for really weird things that are too bizarre or too nasty for my primary Author's Name. Weird stuff... that fits the Magic Kingdom stories!

About three years ago my health went to crap and I've recently just finished recovering (mostly) from my fourth surgery. I'm so far behind on my main stories that the Magic Kingdom sequel (that a lot of readers have been asking for for years) kept getting kicked back.

So, crazed on either pain or pain pills that mostly didn't do shit - and largely only able to write one-handed, I started churning this epic out! I think it will end up being about fifteen chapters, once it is completed. Chapters 1-5 are done, edited and ready to post. Chapters 6-10 are off at advance reading/editing and should be ready soonish. Chapters 11+ are in progress. Almost certainly done by Thanksgiving.

You should read the first story, first... but frankly it isn't critical to understanding what is happening in the sequel. When I started the sequel, I had a very firm idea what sort of Quest story I wanted to tell - but as I started to write it, the story soon took on an imperative all of its own and went off in interesting directions. The end result is something slightly more serious than I intended... but a much richer and deeper story. Buckle up - there are serious road bumps up ahead!

Word to the unfamiliar... the Magic Kingdom stories use a LOT of story Codes, often in weird ways. Lots of odd sex, gun violence, sarcasm and annoyance abound! Some future chapters are not for everyone - the Rache Code probably applies, something to offend nearly anyone!

Sorry for the long delay between stories

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My main author account has been keeping me busy for the last year, if not longer. I don't have the time to write as much anymore and this account is strictly for stories so awful that I wouldn't even consider posing them under my usual name.

The new story is just something appalling dreadful I felt in the mood to write. I was in a bad mood and needed to let off steam. I could have written the tale even nastier, using most of the available story codes but I just wanted to keep the story short.

YES... there will be a sequel to Magic Kingdom... I have over half of it written in my head and I just have to be in the right mood to write it.

Probably nothing else new here for awhile. Some reader friends (all women) want me to write more M/M (why does gay porn get women hot?) stories... something I don't have much interest in, but it does lead to some fairly nasty plot lines. Not soon however!

Oh, I'm fairly willing to continue the nasty she-male story 'Mars Still Needs Women.' I was having some fun with it but I received absolutely ZERO reader email about the story, pro or con. I then decided that if no one cared that I had better things that I could be doing instead.



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