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Rich Humus: Blog


Dog Mom is Back (Again!)

Posted at

Well, after a too-long absence, DOG MOM is back with new chapters. Just uploaded #8, and I have four or five more in the wings, that I'll try to send up one a week or so. Comments very much appreciated!


Dog Mom is back! Finally!

Posted at

After a couple of very nice requests, I've sent up the next two chapters of Dog Mom. I have more in the pipeline. We appreciate all the nice comments and suggestions. Please keep 'em coming, they're the only remuneration we get.

New story in the works

Posted at

While I continue on with My Curious Sister, I've also begun another story in a genre that's not my usual. The germ of the idea came to me the other day driving home, when I got behind a good sized mini-van with a sticker on the back - the words "Dog Mom" were superimposed over a large dog paw print. My evil mind took over....

I will probably upload the entire story in one big chunk, and words of support will certainly hasten its completion.

Thanks to all my regulars


Conjugal Visit - Posted Before?

Posted at

Well, it turns out my memory is almost as bad as my...oh crap, I forget.. Anyway, I'd written that Conjugal Visit had not been posted before anywhere, but I had forgotten that I'd posted it to a BDSM site back in 2003. So, mea culpa.

March Madness, 2015 version

Posted at

I'm working on Part 7 of My Curious Sister (MCS) and I'm hoping to get it posted this coming weekend, SPRING IS HERE!..It may not be as exciting as past work, but I need to do it to set up the rest of the story. I've had some good suggestions, (and some rather painful ones, unfortunately.. :) and I'll try to implement what I can. I got one anonymous grammar correction, but I did not use the word ITS' anywhere in my story, so I can only assume that the correspondent has me confused with someone else.



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