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Reverse_cowboy: Blog


I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while

Posted at

I’ve had to take a break due to some major medical issues. But hopefully I’ll be back to writing more stories and posting some that are already finished.

I’m surprised

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After posting a new chapter to an existing story I got an email from a fan telling me how much she enjoyed my story and that it lead her to check out my other stories where she found one she liked even more. As an author I can see the basic statistics of my stories, their score, how many weekly and total downloads and so on.

I was actually pretty surprised to see which of my stories were the most popular. When The Dam Breaks has the highest score and most downloads by a good margin. I may have to add an additional chapter or two to it, or write some similar stories mother/son or squirting stories, or a combination of the two.

I’ve been away for awhile

Posted at

My family and I have gone through some difficult times and I haven't had much time to write anything in a long while. Not to the level that is worth posting anyway. I just posted a new story and I have a couple more I'm hoping to finish up soon. I hope you enjoy my work.

I had a funny thought

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As I was reading over a story I'd previously written and was correcting errors and making a few changes here and there to improve it for you readers a funny thought entered my head. I wondered what my high school english teacher would think if she could read my stories. I'm sure she'd say my grammar and punctuation were horrible. lol

But it's thanks to her that I began to enjoy reading and writing in the first place. So Mrs. Robertson if but some freak chance you ever read any of my work, thanks for taking the time to change how a young boy looked at reading and writing.

Updating my stories

Posted at

If any of my readers are interested I am in the process of updating my stories in order to reduce the errors I have noticed while re-reading them. I am also working on some new stories as well as continuing chapters for some of the stories I already have post.

Please be patient with me since I don't have much time to write what with work and trying to have some family time. I am doing the best I can however and hope to have new additions posted in the near future.



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