Some of you have read my story, Up From the Depths, when it was posted here on SOL. What you read was a heavily redacted and edited for size version. The entire series is 6 books.
Up From the Depths is no longer available on here or FS. One of the stipulations of accepting a publishing contract is that the work can't be available anywhere else. While that is a pain in the ass for those of you, the 3 readers who read it while it was posted here, don't worry, you can still get your zombie apocalypse fix, you just need to be patient.
Book 1: Denial Measures, is scheduled for release in 2015. I don't have a specific date in 2015 when it will be released but rest assured, I will be posting that info here and on my blog.
The first 3 books of the series are already with the publisher with the remaining books to be sent over between July of this year and early 2015.
For more information,and as the link I posted doesn't appear to work with this site, PM me here and I can send you a link to my main blog.
Thank you for your positive feedback when my work was posted here.