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RWMoranUSMCRet: Blog


New Ideas and Old Stories

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3 New stories are "Cornelius Sees Some Ghosts", "Tomorrow, The World", and "Split-tail Sentinel". The ghost story is about Topper and is a Fan Fiction story about the first sit-com on national television in the USA. I remember my first Topper movie was seen in a small movie house right next to the Loew's Sheridan on the fringes of Greenwich Village in the waning days of World War Two. I believe it was called "The Greenwich House". It was one of those films that stay in my memory like "Shane" or "On The Waterfront". "Tomorrow, the World" is a World War Two time travel story about Nazis, the IRA, a surviving Hitler and gender change without permission. I have gotten a bit bogged down in this story and am considering a change of focus on the main character of John Smith aka Eva the Jew-girl from Krakow to follow on time-shifts with both parts of her character traveling together through time. I got that concept from a Korean Television series called "Hello-Me!" that allows the 17 year-old version of the main character to meet and bond to its 37 year old self. It has humor, drama and a good storyline that sounds better in Korean than in English but I could see it adapted to American television with great success. Far better than the Reality trash they put on the tube these days. The third story called "Split-tail Sentinel" is a contemporary story about a Russian girl leaving her defunct Soviet Republic in the mid 1980s to go to Paris and eventually joining the French Foreign Legion because of her extensive linguistic skills that include her native Arabic and Russian and later English and French learned in the French school system. She is a trained killer with expert skills that she hides under her translator duties as part of a Legion liquidation team rooting out the bad guys around the world. The word "Split-tail" is Marine Corps jargon for a female member of a military unit with her femininity hidden by bulky combat clothing and the shortest haircut possible. The old stories updating project is going smoothly with only about 25 stories needing upgrades at this time. A big improvement from the almost 250 in early 2020.

Tomorrow, The World notes and Sexual Content of All my stories.

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Chapter 9 is posted and almost finished chapter 10. Chapter 11 will move to Part Two of the story centered in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Part Two is more historical than sexual explaining the "Some Sex" level of sexual content. That started me thinking about my writing "styles". I say "styles" in the plural because I write under 18 different pen-names starting in 2011 with Harry Lime. Over 90% of the original Harry Lime stories(limited to 500) are in the Erotica Genre and almost all are graded as "Much Sex". Many of the styles of writing by most of my other pen-names are also in the Erotica Genre and are graded as "Much Sex" in content. In reviewing my total content over this almost 10 year period, I found that I have never written a "Stroke Story" and my "no sex" and "minimal Sex" stories are less than a dozen out of 1500 stories in various Genres. If I write about a Japanese School Girl, a Victorian Lady learning about sex, or even a Nun captured by the enemy on a battlefield, I use sexual content to keep the story flowing and hopefully entertain readers at the same time.

Tomorrow, The World Planning

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This time-travel story is about to evolve from a 10 chapter beginning into the meat of the story called "The Belfast Connection". The middle section will be 20 chapters from the end of World War II up to the breakup of the Soviet Union in the mid 1980s. the final section is called "All is in Order" and it will have 10 chapters covering the end of days for the American Dream as a nation divided against itself fails the test of time.

change to "Cornelius Sees Some Ghosts"

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I wanted to explain the change from Minimal Sex to Some Sex was because Cornelius makes advances on his secretary Veronica and her character development includes her relationship with her older brother. It brings incest into the story in a manner not central to the story but in explaining her actions in certain situations. My original thought was to have less sex in this story, but it seems to have gotten out of hand as my brain lost out to my dick in the formation of content.

listing of associated pennames

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Brother John
Tony Sorrentino
Harry Lime
Donna the Dog Lover
Honeysuckle Lime
Serena Christian
Morganna Roberts
L. Sprague Campbell Jr.
Scarlett Griffin
Diane Destry
Mickey Malone
Second edition harry lime
Grandpa's Bedtime Stories
Wally Weston
Ladyboy Larry/Lucy



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