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Prac T Cal: Blog


Introducing my alter ego - Sinde Waters Clinton

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It has been some time since I thought a story was worth publishing here. I uploaded a new one which will appear soon.
But this is about Sinde, she has a different point of view on things. Take a look at Boxing Girl to get an idea. She has ties to weird people in places I never dream about, I enjoy her writing, I hope you might!

New Chapters for old postings

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I wrote much of the "need" series before June 2012

Then I got sick and in August I got even sicker. It was June of this year that I was recovered enough to work and write! However, I have found it difficult to reinvigorate the first series - I am still working on the last chapter of the first book for Mom's New Boyfriend and just do not feel it lives up to the first parts.

In the meantime I am writing other ideas and will publish a few short stories soon.

New Story and Desire to finish other older ones

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I wrote a new story over the last few weeks and it has just finished posting - "Before Need - Dark Temptations"

This has been a bit enlightening to me. I usually read a story ten or fifteen times before it gets posted and this one is no exception. However, I read it as it was posting (good thing because I posted the same text for two chapters) but I read some notes from another author and then searched for feedback or good examples.
What I found made me feel that my descriptions were inadequate to describe what I believed I had written. So I sat down one night and rewrote the entire first chapter. I have edited it sufficiently to feel it is much better since it doesn't rely as much on the reader's imagination to fill in the action.
Originally I thought that might enhance the reader's enjoyment, however, I found I was filling in my own thoughts even though I had written the story.
I have not completed re-writing all the chapters, I am deep into Chapter 3 when Rick travels to Colton's for the first time. So far I have doubled the words in each of the first two chapters.
I do not know when I will start posting the new chapters or whether I should post them as a 'new' story. Sooner or later they will be posted.
I hope you enjoy my stories. And I am working to finish a couple of them. One - "Mom's New Boyfriend" only has one more chapter to finish it, but, it is more difficult to write because visualizing the changes is difficult to put to words.
Thanks Prac T Cal

Trials and tribulations of Pen Names ...

Posted at Updated:

Hi All, I hope you enjoy my tales. Many are based on true happenings. Some just extend those into an slightly altered reality that is starting to appear in our reality ...
But, back to the trials
I am trying to use my 'real' pen name, Sinde Waters Clinton, but have run into issues posting as ... me!
How bizarre is that? And I cannot do anything about profiles or blogs or anything until I get one story submitted.
Oh well, I should have just done that to begin and I wouldn't be running into issues.
Most of these stories have been told to me by a few of my friends and I have created stories that combine some of the tales into one.
If you want to submit ideas or tales to me to include in a story please go ahead. I get into the mood to write and generate a lot of words. Then the urge withers and I don't get around to it again for a bit. This current binge came about because of friend telling me about something that happened in his past. So if you want more give me a yell and a hint and I might get in the mood.

Thanks Sinde --- the original SWC ---

Feed me ... feed me? Feedback?

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I really wanted some ...

that was exciting - people rank things! Several people put my stories in their library - I assume these people might want to catch new updates.
One person went to the trouble of doing an in depth assessment and gave all 1's! The average for the simple feedback on this story is 4.27 so that person must not be a majority opinion ...

It was just like teaching college - some people are unteachable, some are ...

Anyway, I hope some of you enjoy the stories - I don't bother much with grammar - the point is to bend someone's mind AND screw with the English language! e.g. e e cummings and no capital letters.

If someone wants to volunteer to edit - cool!

It is fun to write and I hope you appreciate it.



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