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Pescador del Valle: Blog


New Story - Geeks and Freaks

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This is NOT a fan fiction of the 1999-2000 TV series Freaks and Geeks. I created the story and the title and THEN went looking and found the fortunately differently titled show.

There is a lot of sex in this story. I personally don't see it as a "Stroke Story" though you are welcome to do whatever you wish while reading it.

I have divided it into two parts though since the first part can stand alone to a large degree and the second part involves non-consensual sex in what I consider a bizarre yet satisfying revenge scenario which some people might wish to avoid. The second part has been largely finished with some corrections underway to adjust the sequence of events.

Once again there are some bi-sexual activities that occur in the midst of a whole host of heterosexual fun and games. If you blink in a couple of places you might even miss the "mm" action.

Assassin is complete

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A big thank you to those readers who provided encouragement, including those who did so while explaining that they felt the story had generated into a stroke fest.

Grammatical and geographical errors pointed out have been corrected where appropriate and I have been encouraged to start work on a sequel through the comments of a couple of the readers.

I flagged Assassin as having "Much Sex" but didn't see it as a "Stroke Story" as such. Certainly though, I would see the sequel concentrating more on Roger's activities on the job and the complications of his relationships. [Trying to avoid spoilers for those still finishing the first story.]

No guarantees as to how long it will take to post the sequel (series?). I am more likely to get some of my already written material presentable first.

Thanks for the Feedback

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A number of readers have provided me with feedback on my stories - Assassin in particular.

While "I like this" comments are appreciated, the "I like this, but..." comments can help improve the story. Even a sincere "I hate this" is acceptable if the reader explains why. I'm sure this applies to almost all the authors on Storiesonline and elsewhere.

As I replied to one reader, Assassin required a society with the scope both to need and to have the ability to provide a vigilante organisation. This screamed to be set in the US.

I can imagine other countries needing and perhaps wanting to have such an ability but as portrayed I don't think any really could get something as substantial as imagined together.

[If such an organisation does exist, please consider these to be senile ramblings that no-one is paying any attention to.]

Enter my own limited contact with the US. Spending a few weeks at a time there on a few occasions and having Yankee friends (no Southerners I'm afraid) means that I can appreciate the differences in our shared language without necessarily registering them when I wrote the story. I think this is compounded by the fact that there are enough regional differences in any country to make it hard for someone not brought up in a particular region to mimic those who were.

Hence the frequent admonition to write about what you know best.

I have re-edited the story to fix those problems pointed out and a few others and updated the chapters already posted. Hopefully that improves it for those who are from the US.

So, thanks for the interest shown and the advice given. The level of feedback given by readers here so far is yet another reason for me to appreciate SOL.

Those pesky codes

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I like romantic comedies despite being a bloke. Think of any of the Doris Day/Rock Hudson movies or for our younger readers perhaps Renée Zellweger in "Down with Love" or Janeane Garofalo in "The Truth About Cats and Dogs".

How is that relevant?

A co-worker loaned me her copies of Charlaine Harris' Sookie Stackhouse series (on TV as True Blood) and this led me to looking for similar stories. They were collected on the book store's shelves under "Paranormal Romance" with authors like Mary Janice Davidson who write a humorous vampire series amongst others, Molly Harper (ditto with titles like "Nice Girls Don't Have Fangs") and Christine Warren whose more formulaic romance series (that is not a complaint) cover human girl meets and has conflict with werewolf/vampire/demon/elf/whatever and eventually falls for him becoming mated for life.

This then led to Laurell K. Hamilton and her Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter.

Anita Blake has a complicated love life. Understatement! Her whole life is complicated but Anita has very close ties to the vampires and weres who no longer live in hiding among us. Needing sexual energy to get by, Anita's story won't be appearing on free to air TV any time soon.

So it has a high erotic content. Sounds like a lot of StoriesOnLine stories. How would it get coded then?

There is plenty of heterosexual sex; quite a lot of violence - sexual as well as other physical assault; some vampire mind control; we see vaginal and oral sex and if memory serves me right some anal too. There are some necrophilia issues and plenty of orgies and sleepovers where "puppy bundles" involve both males and females indiscriminately cuddling regardless of the gender of the other person. Oh and there is the mention of two ancient (and male) vampires who have been lovers in the past and who struggle to be lovers again - with or without Anita's presence in their bed.

Should the author warn that a werewolf might want sex in his animal form as bestiality? Should sex between an elf or an alien or an angel and a human be considered bestiality? Should a couple of pages of gay sex in a whole novel warrant people missing the rest of the story - or perhaps never hear of either of the stories if the reader blocks particular codes.

I know I must miss out on a number of otherwise excellent stories because I ignore those with pedo or lolita codes when that might be something like one of the character's history being explained to justify the rest of the story.

So I have a story with 30 chapters (Assassin - currently being processed for posting). 5 of those contain references to gay sex. The actual description of MM contact is a small part as the story unfolds. In some places it is mild and in others more graphic, and some of those are incidental contact that occurs when the two men have sex with a woman.

A MM or Gay code allows people to avoid those stories if they wish - a legitimate choice. I can't help feeling that they might otherwise enjoy the rest of the story and perhaps even the gay sections.

What I have tried as an experiment is to provide markers in the storage to allow "squeamish" readers to skip the homosexual sex as an alternative to providing two versions or simply telling readers to put up with the story as is or put it to one side.

Please let me know if this approach is successful or a distraction.

Welcome and a fourth story

Posted at

Thank you to those readers who have provided me with feedback about the stories I have posted. It is good to see that Perra was appreciated even though the count indicates people may have been put off by the "beast" code. (That isn't really the nature of the story, no more than a fight scene might require a "violent" tag.)

I have been asked about a sequel and admit I would have liked to see how the characters fared as well. At the time I didn't have a laptop and did much of my writing away from my computer so I have a large number of hand-written stories still to be transcribed onto my computer or waiting for a final chapter or some clean up. Unless my muse gives me an insight into Perra's life that warrants it being fast-tracked I guess a sequel is not scheduled at present. Sorry.

The start of a new story Assassin has been submitted and should appear shortly. I have finished writing this story and am in the process of a final edit with chapters probably being uploaded in blocks every few days as I get them formatted properly.



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