I would like to begin this, my inaugaral blog post, with a big thank you to all the people who bothered to respond to my story. All of the comments I have recieved have been very supportive, even when they did have some quibbles with certain decisions on my part. I probably do not remark on stories enough, but after writing one I am realizing just how much that form of support matters.
That being said, I would just like to post my major projects as far as erotic writing right now:
1) A true story about the loss of my own virginity (okay, it probably will not be completely true, but give me a break!)
2) Two MC/FF stories. One of them I have already completed, and am just reworking to satisfaction. the other is progressing nicely, but I do not want to ruin it by rushing.
3) As a really long term, way off project I have started an outline for a long work inspired by wuxia. This is really off in the distance, so if you think it would be awesome, don't hold your breath, but feel free to e-mail me if you would like to be involved in the creative process at all.